Maria’s day starts at 5am every day. No sooner the alarm bell rings she scrambles out of the bed in haste. A real quick shower followed by a hot cup of...
My name is Ali. I am 10 years old. Today is a very special day for me. My father is coming home. He left with my elder brother and uncle six months ago with...
Take a look at your family. How many changes have crept in since last year? It certainly is easy enough to have a friend snap some pictures on a smartphone...
Globally, road traffic collisions are the ninth leading cause of death, killing almost 1.25 million people each year — and for children, these numbers are...
The March Hare from Alice in Wonderland, the Easter Bunny, Bugs Bunny and Peter Rabbit are just a few of the famous long-eared, fuzzy characters so popular...
You wake up before the sun rises to shower and get ready for the day. Soon you hear the patter of tiny feet upstairs. You get breakfast ready for your...
Closely related to snakes, lizards are cold-blooded reptiles. They have dry, scaly skin, and those with feet have clawed toes. There are more than 4,600...
The holidays are a special time of year for everyone, but through the eyes of a child, it can feel like pure magic. Parents and caregivers looking to make...
A parent is a child’s first teacher and that’s a role we need to play to near perfection almost all our lives. And the learning begins right from when...