PASSION FRUIT PUNCH In a pitcher combine equal amounts of canned passion fruit juice, guava or peach nectar and unsweetened pineapple juice. Stir in enough...
1. Grilled Fish and Hummus Wraps
A seafood lover’s dream meal with a touch of health. These are light and delicious with goodness of salad and grilled...
Looking for an authentic spread of Turkish and Levantine cuisine in Muscat? Here are a few must visit places that will woo you with authentic, tasty dishes...
Make a hearty soup, a lip-smacking starter, or a yummy dessert; this winter enjoy the warm taste of pumpkin in some of your favourite recipes.
1. Rajasthani Safed Maas
A twist to the legendary Rajasthani Laal Maas, this is a delectable non vegetarian curry lavished with aromatic spices in a rich...
Jadara Bakery and Restaurant
Must try
OMR 2 for big plate
What’s It?
Kanafeh is a sweet cheese pastry soaked in sugar syrup with a...
As part of the Italian cuisine week which is being celebrated all across the world, a series of activities presenting Italian cuisine and gourmet products...