
Wednesday 25/May/2016 17:29 PM

Simple ideas to inspire your tween reader

Reading is a gateway to other places, time periods, or even worlds. It’s also the springboard to success in school and beyond. Parents can inspire a...

Wednesday 18/May/2016 18:22 PM

Fact File: Birds That Don’t Fly

Today there are about 40 species of birds that have lost the ability to fly. Some grew too large and heavy to fly; others simply lost the need to fly...

Wednesday 18/May/2016 17:47 PM

Summer in Oman: Make your homes comfortable

In summer, it’s so warm outside that we just want to chill inside our homes. Therefore, it’s important to have a bright space to feel comfortable in,...

Saturday 14/May/2016 14:32 PM

Onion: History and facts

Onions may bring a tear to your eye, but the humble onion has been food for deities and slaves alike. Valued for its flavour and medicinal qualities, this...

Saturday 14/May/2016 14:27 PM

Step Up Your Summer Beauty Regimen

Maintaining a Healthy (Natural) Glow While tanning beds offer a quick-fix to achieving a golden glow, they also cause exposure to damaging UV radiation...

Friday 06/May/2016 18:45 PM

Nature wonder: Volcanoes

Volcanoes are ruptures in the Earth’s crust spewing hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases from the magma chamber below the surface, due to density and...

Friday 29/April/2016 15:58 PM

Easy ways to clean your makeup items

When it comes to beauty rituals, we take care of every single detail but often forget about the cleanliness of our makeup utensils and the accessories....

Friday 22/April/2016 17:29 PM

Fact File About Skunks

Despite a reputation for stinking up the neighbourhood, skunks are actually helpful creatures that spray their offensive perfume only under extreme...