Los Angeles: "Black Panther," the first black standalone Marvel superhero movie, won rave reviews on Tuesday with critics praising both its...
Los Angeles: Disney on Tuesday announced it was expanding its "star wars" universe. The company will be hiring the creators behind HBO's...
British actor Hugh Grant has settled a legal case against Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN).
This happened after the company admitted that reporters at its...
Paul Simon, singer-songwriter and the winner of multiple Grammys, announced on Monday that he is quitting touring.
He added, that it felt "a touch...
Grammy-winner Dennis Edwards, who performed lead vocals for some of the chart-topping Motown singles recorded by The Temptations in the 1960s and 1970s, has...
Muscat: Malaysia has barred controversial Bollywood film "Padmaavat" from being screened in theatres, the home ministry said on Friday, citing the...
U.N. refugee agency special envoy Angelina Jolie called on NATO on Wednesday to help stop the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war, as the Hollywood...
A U.S. judge on Tuesday, January 30, dismissed a lawsuit accusing U2 of lifting part of a British songwriter's work for a song on the Irish rock...