Seoul: The documentary film titled ‘Al Zeeg’; a concentrated syrup of boiled sugarcane juice, is participating in the twelfth edition of the Arab Film...
Muscat: The sprawling ground of Naseem Garden is almost primed to perfection and the magnificence of Muscat Nights can be seen right from the main...
Muscat: The ongoing Muscat Nights festival is the talk of the town. The 17-day event includes a variety of shows. It is spread over four locations – Al...
Muscat: If you love to immerse yourself in the world of magic and know more about stage illusions then don't miss watching Fred Sharp's show at Qurum...
The Qurum Natural Park is beckoning all with several activities held near the lake including the Boat’s Lake Shows, Helium Shows with the décor of the...
Dubai: On the 6th and 7th of January 2023, the architectural marvel that is Dubai Opera played host to another kind of magic, as the original ballet...
Washington: The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced its nominees for the 2022 International Emmy Awards on Friday."Sex...