5 Best Tips To Look Great in Photos

T-Mag Wednesday 02/November/2016 20:26 PM
By: Times News Service
5 Best Tips To Look Great in Photos

There is no such thing as being non-photogenic. While taking a good photo isn’t magic, it helps to know the tricks of the trade, especially these days, with social media demanding your best photos (thank goodness for filters) and pretty much everyone going crazy trying to capture the perfect picture of every moment. It is a time when you must be prepared to strike a pose at any moment for your shutter-sniper friends. Fear not, I have five tips to help you look great in every shot.

1. Go Natural, But Not Naked
The most wonderful thing about the combination of makeup and photographs is that even if your skin isn’t flawless, you can end up having photos that could be cover-shots for a face wash ad.

As much as we all like to go #nomakeup, a little dab here and brush there will help to accentuate your best features. Just be aware that a mismatch between your skin tone and foundation is an instant give away under a flash, so be sure to match it well. If you’d rather skip the foundation all together, a light powder to dab away any excess oil will also suffice. If you forgot to wear blush, rub your cheeks or pinch them gently for a little blood rush just before the snap.

Don’t forget your neck and shoulder areas. Dust a little shimmer powder on your collarbones for some added oomph. But keep the glitter on your upper body and off your face, as it can reflect the light and cause your face to lose definition in the shot.

A nice cherry lipstick often makes all the difference as a fresh, finishing touch. If you favour dark matte shades on your pucker, use with a wee bit of gloss to give a more luscious effect. Avoid nudes as they end up giving a washed-out look on camera.

Pro tip: Use a sheer highlighter on the bridge of your nose and at the tip of your cheekbones for an instant facelift in the shot (it is a classic trick that is also employed by men).

2. Catch the Rays
Nothing makes you look better than natural light. Outdoor shots at dawn or dusk never fail to give an impeccable glow to the skin. Even a pleasant cloud cover can work well. Just avoid the harsh light of afternoon-shoots when the sun beats down. It is like standing directly under a light, which makes hair look way too shiny, your face too dark, and seems to highlight every imperfection. Go for soft light, ideally hitting your face from the side to soften your skin’s look and even make you look younger.

3. Eyes on the Prize
You can really enrapture your audience with those lovely eyes, but closed eyes, red eyes, and droopy eyes are all real photo spoilers. If you are that friend who is notorious for ruining the group picture with closed eyes, try blinking fast a few times just before the picture is taken.

For close-up drama and to avoid red eye, look straight at a bright light source just before snapping a photo to constrict your pupils, which will not only eliminate red-eye, but also give a to-die-for twinkle.To avoid the droopy eye or zombie-look, simply squint a little. You’ll be surprised to see the difference in your expression when you basically flex your eye muscles .

4. All About the Angles
There is a reason photographers obsess over angles, and understanding why will make you realise that the famous, unphotogenic mantra of “the camera adding ten pounds” is a myth. Cameras don’t, but angles do. For a slender face, elongate your neck and gently push your face forward to eliminate the dreaded double chin effect. Whatever is closest to the camera will appear largest, so be sure to position your body so as to keep the parts you don’t want to emphasize as far from the lens as possible. Simply twisting your torso can also give the illusion of a slimmer waistline. And instead of standing and staring straight at the camera, turn to a 45 degree angle, bring one leg forward, put all your weight on the leg that is behind you, and look slightly above the camera lens for a flattering pose. If all else fails, just remember to arch your back, pull your shoulders back, and let your confidence radiate.

5. Practice Your Pose
Practice makes perfect, and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to posing for photos. The more photos you are in, the more you will understand what looks good and what does not (and we can always ‘accidently’ delete ourselves from those not-so-pretty ones). Take to the mirror and pose away to find your “good side” and skinny angles. Copying what others do isn’t the key to taking your best photography, and comparing yourself to others will go nowhere. The key is to find your own personal style and get comfortable in your own uniquely beautiful skin. And an authentic smile is the fastest way to look your best. —HiWeekend@timesofoman.com

Antara is a professional model living in Muscat. Check her out on Instagram @antarabose