
Wednesday 20/February/2019 22:15 PM

Make the playground safer for your children

You don't always have to provide thorough supervision to your kids while they ride the swings or engage with the outdoor playground equipment. Most...

Tuesday 19/February/2019 21:31 PM

Home improvement projects for older homes

Do you own an older home, and are you looking to make upgrades that matter? Strategic enhancements not only increase a property’s resale value, but also...

Sunday 17/February/2019 21:27 PM

Upgrade your home with new tech

New technology has the power to make your home safer, more comfortable and better suited to your family’s needs. So, if you’re planning to make some...

Wednesday 13/February/2019 22:20 PM

Make your outside party more comfortable

While it's been popular in the past to bring the outdoors inside using trees and floral arrangements, a recent trend for many party venues is to create...

Wednesday 13/February/2019 22:07 PM

It's time to clear out your clutter

Does it feel like you have clutter crammed into every nook and cranny of your house right now? It can, unfortunately, make your home feel so much smaller...

Sunday 10/February/2019 20:37 PM

Budget-friendly ideas for your party

Some people are willing to spend hundreds, even up to thousands, for a birthday party. And that doesn’t even count the presents. Cakes and decorations...

Wednesday 06/February/2019 17:13 PM

Create an inviting room using tile

Today’s tile trends extend so far beyond their traditional use as a staple of bathroom design that you may not recognise them. While once the most...