
Monday 13/May/2019 18:17 PM

Improve indoor air quality at home

Think about how much time you and your family spend inside versus outside. From your home to the car to work and to school, it’s not uncommon that the...

Sunday 22/April/2018 18:50 PM

Tips and tricks to keep your car looking new

While most of your time will be spent preparing your home, clothes and family calendars for the warmer weather, it’s important not to forget about your...

Thursday 01/February/2018 10:55 AM

Early milk teeth loss and space maintainers

Many people think that milk teeth are not very important since the permanent teeth will take over their place. That makes them dispensable in a way....

Tuesday 02/January/2018 19:11 PM

Gorilla trekking in East Africa

Sidelined on the couch this summer with a fractured foot, I was in need of a hobby to distract myself from the pain. So I gave myself an unusual challenge...