Parents of Indian school students shocked by facilities, term fees

Oman Sunday 17/January/2021 14:30 PM
By: Times News Service
Parents of Indian school students shocked by facilities, term fees

Muscat: Parents of students attending Indian schools in Oman are surprised as to why the fees they’re required to pay for the previous term includes charges to use the facilities, even as schools remained shut due to the pandemic.

“If the schools have been closed for the last 10 or so months and the facilities aren’t being used, then why are we being charged this fee?” said a parent of Indian School Muscat. “It is not fair. Our children are studying from home and that too for two to three hours. So there is no facility fee to talk about.”

Another point parents wished to raise was the issue of the term fee, another surcharge added to the existing school tuition fee structure.

“Some of these fees are quite confusing,” explained another parent. “Times are tough right now and COVID has impacted our salaries and day-to-day expenses. The schools should provide an explanation of what these fees mean, and why they are being charged.”