Now, fly more often to India, Bangladesh and Qatar from Oman

Oman Saturday 09/January/2021 21:01 PM
By: Times News Service
Now, fly more often to India, Bangladesh and Qatar from Oman
Oman's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has reached agreements to increase the number of flights between Oman and the three countries.

Muscat: Passengers flying out of Oman can now make use of additional flights to India, Bangladesh, and Qatar.

The development comes after the country’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) reached agreements to increase the number of flights between Oman and the three countries.

“Airlines from Oman and India operating between both countries will now have a total of 6,000 seats per week in each direction,” said an official from the CAA.

“This is part of the temporary air bubble agreement reached by the authorities of both countries, which in Oman will affect Oman Air and SalamAir.”

He added, “From the Indian side, their operators have the right to reserve these seats for both Air India and Air India Express.”

Similar cooperation has been reached with air traffic authorities in Bangladesh, said the CAA official.
From 1 January, 2021 onwards, carriers of both countries have been able to operate 12 flights a week.
“We will continue to coordinate our efforts with aviation authorities from multiple countries around the world, based on the needs of the travel market,” he said.

“This is particularly to help the case of expatriate workers whose residency papers allowing them to stay in the Sultanate have expired, and in line with the health and safety conditions adopted in destination countries.

“All airlines and passengers coming to Oman must follow the precautions taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” he reiterated.

Passengers flying to and from Doha can now benefit from daily flights to Muscat and weekly ones to Salalah.

“It has been agreed to raise the number of flights between our countries to eight flights a week,” the CAA official explained.

“This affects carriers operated by both countries. Accordingly, both SalamAir and Oman Air have each increased their frequency of flights to and from Doha to four per week.”

Adding to this, Bennet Stephens, Vice President (Sales) for Gulf, Middle East, Levant and Caucasus region, Qatar Airways, said, “We are pleased to continue rebuilding our network and offering our passengers the opportunity to travel safely from Muscat and Salalah.”