Muscat: The Royal Oman Police (ROP) celebrated on Wednesday the opening of the Special Task Force Unit in the Wilayat of Quriyat in the Governorate of Muscat, as well as the graduation of a new batch of police recruits in a ceremony held under the auspices of Sayyid Saud bin Hilal al-Busaidi, Minister of State and Governor of Muscat, in the presence of Lt.Gen Hassan bin Mohsen al-Shraiqi, Inspector General of Police and Customs.
The ceremony began with unveiling of the commemorative plaque declaring the official inauguration of the new complex. Then, the chief guest and the attendees witnessed the graduation of a new batch of police recruits at the parade ground.
The graduation ceremony began with the military salute to the chief guest. Then, the commander of the parade took permission from the chief guest to inspect the front line of the parade graduates.
After that, the graduates marched before the grandstand. The chief guest later distributed prizes to the top graduates. The graduates sang the ROP anthem and proclaimed thrice Long Live His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, the Supreme Commander.
The commander of the column then took permission from the chief guest for the column to dismiss signalling the conclusion of the graduation protocols.
The new complex comprises a security station, a control room, meeting room, administrative offices, sport facilities, swimming pool, lecture rooms, a clinic, a mosque and officers’ accommodations.