Decision issued to regulate abandoned vehicles

Energy Sunday 04/November/2018 22:30 PM
By: Times News Service
Decision issued to regulate abandoned vehicles

Muscat: Mohsin bin Mohammed Al Sheikh, Chairman of Muscat Municipality has issued a Ministerial Decision No. 171/2018 on abandoned vehicles left at the public places in Muscat Governorate.
The new decision cancelled all that contravenes or contradicts with the provisions of the attached regulation.
The regulation is based on the Muscat Municipality Law , promulgated by Royal Decree No. 38/2015 and on the Local Order No. 1/2006 on protection of public health.
Article (2) of the decision stated that the owner of the vehicle is prohibited to leave the vehicle at a public place in a manner negatively affecting the surroundings.
Article (3) said that Muscat Municipality would put a warning note on the vehicle so abandoned.
Article (4) stated that Muscat Municipality may tow the vehicle abandoned at the cost of the owner after 14 days from placing the warning note, without any responsibility on Muscat Municipality for any damages which may occur during
towing. Article (5) imposed administrative fine of OMR200 for cars, and buses with seating capacity of 15 person or less, OMR400 on trucks, buses of more than 15 seats, trailer heads and trailers, tractors and equipment, OMR1000 for vehicles designed for transporting hazardous materials.
A fine of OMR 5 shall also apply for each day delay in receipt of the abandoned vehicle from the place where it is kept under custody.
Article (6) stated that Muscat Municipality in coordination with ROP shall take action on selling the abandoned vehicle in a public auction in case the owner did not approach Muscat Municipality (within 90 days from being towed ) to collect the vehicle and pay the amounts due, in the absence of any acceptable reason.