Indian government focused on upscaling Kashmir’s agro economy

World Sunday 04/August/2024 07:49 AM
By: Agencies
Indian government focused on upscaling Kashmir’s agro economy

New Delhi: Diverse agro-climatic conditions in Jammu & Kashmir offer a wide range of opportunities to the entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector.

After the abrogation of article 370, the Indian Government in collaboration with local organisations has introduced a series of successful reforms in the agriculture sector, and it is still an undergoing process.

These reforms are leading to tremendous growth of Agri-preneurs in Jammu and Kashmir as they see agriculture as a potential game changer. Entrepreneurs from Jammu and Kashmir are exploring the great scope that agri- tourism and other allied wings offer.

The Union Territory's administration has played an important role in transforming the agriculture and allied sector of Jammu and Kashmir and promoting innovation-based agri startups. The Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST-Kashmir) is also key in driving reforms in the agriculture sector and unlocking the potential of Jammu and Kashmir.

For instance, Anantnag’s “Main Bhi Kisan” initiative which aims to maximise the benefits of the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP), is creating a significant impact. Launched in May 2023 from the Krad area of the district, it aims to instil a spirit of agricultural entrepreneurship in students, propelling them towards earlier empowerment and development.

Blending technology with agri-entrepreneurship, the aim is to ensure that productivity rises. Apart from generating new sources of jobs and income, the government has been earnest in its efforts to bring about transformational change in the agribusiness sector to augment incomes, create more sub-industries within the agricultural sector and help the rural poor add to their agricultural resources.

The Central government has also been keen on improving J&K’s agricultural economy as an integrative bio-economy. The emphasis is to increase production of rare and precious commodities like saffron, black cumin, exotic species of mushroom etc.

According to a report, published by the Agriculture Production Department, J&K is now among the top five states and union territories across the country in terms of farm income with a monthly income of 18,918 per farmer.

Due to a series of agricultural reforms visible change can be witnessed in the UT of J&K. The thrust is also to produce more profitable and unique exotic vegetables. Only about 100 hectares of the 40,000 hectares is under vegetable cultivation in Kashmir currently, which cater to exotic crops such as broccoli, lettuce, parsley.

Horticulture crops make up more than 20% of the entire land that is cultivated. Fruits, vegetables, flowers, juices, and pulp markets, particularly in the Middle East, Europe, China, and Australia, have enormous export potential. In J&K it's usual to produce and export fruits such apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, pomegranates (including the renowned anardana from the Doda-Udhampur district), mulberries, peaches, apricots, walnuts, and almonds.

Major change is also brewing in the vegetable sector of J&K through precision farming intervention which will double the gross output of vegetables from Rs 3982.50 crore to Rs 8021.25 crore per year.

Another defining factor of J&K agricultural reforms has been to bring more agricultural products of Jammu and Kashmir under Geographical Indications Tags to promote it on the global map. Experts are lauding the fact that the GI certification of Kashmiri saffron by Geographical Indications Registry would cease the adulteration and will also put an end to the marketing of saffron cultivated in other countries under the garb of being produced in J&K.

The aim is to create new benchmarks in the international market by people benefitting from numerous government schemes and strategies.

Many young Kashmiris are exploring the cultivation of traditional and exotic varieties of fruits and vegetables.In the past five years innovation and startup culture has been unfolding in many ways, creating a unique blend of products like; cold saffron beverages, kehwa dip tea, apple chips, walnut butter etc.

Under this umbrella due attention has been given to organic and natural farming to cater to the trending market. J&K is also witnessing cultivation of a special crop lavender. Though it was cultivated earlier as well, but was limited to some districts, now it is farmed in 20 districts of J&K. Lavender has a very important role to play in organic markets for its varied and medicinal use.

Since demand for organic produce has grown dramatically and consumers now prefer that over items that contain preservatives and other artificial ingredients, J&K appears to be quite promising in terms of organic production and agri-startups.

In March this year, Union Minister Parshottam Rupala assured all possible support to upscale livestock production, establish a modern fish market and create more livelihood avenues for farmers and pastoralists in Jammu and Kashmir. The government is committed towards upscaling livestock production, establishment of a modern fish market and creating more livelihood avenues for local farmers and pastoralists in the Union Territory.

As the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir embraces sustainable and inclusive economic development, agro-economy presents a promising opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. By leveraging the state’s natural advantages, addressing market demands, and capitalising on the multifaceted benefits of agriculture and related sectors offers a pathway to financial independence and contributes to the preservation of the region’s cultural heritage.

In the last five years, with careful planning, strategic implementation, and support from government agencies, agriculture is emerging as a thriving industry, generating employment opportunities and contributing to the overall economic growth of Jammu and Kashmir. Together with the local administration, SKUAST Kashmir, the government is committed to harnessing the potential of agriculture and allied sectors and creating a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.