Our Oman: From a teacher to a parliamentarian, Al Riyami recounts growth of Oman

Energy Sunday 01/July/2018 21:34 PM
By: Times News Service

“As for how Oman was prior to 1970 and the way in which it has changed since, this is something that is very evident. Schools, roads, hospitals among many other things were established,” says an Omani resident of Izki village.
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Sheikh Mohammed bin Nasser Al Riyami, from the village of Izki in the Al Dakhiliyah Governorate, spent his early years in Oman and at the age of 15, versed in Arabic and Islamic studies, he travelled overseas. Over the course of the years that he spent outside Oman, around eight of which were in the neighbouring region, Sheikh Mohammed served in the Iraqi army, as well as lived for a period of time in Algeria.
“I returned [to Oman] from Algeria in the year 1969,” he recounts. “I was asked to work in a number of different establishments,” Sheikh Mohamed goes on to say, although eventually he ended up working as a teacher, due to the fact that this was the field in which he felt he was most proficient.
“I was appointed as a teacher during my early days, and was asked to teach Arabic and the Holy Quran.”
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Sheikh Mohammed recalls that in addition to these subjects, he also taught a number of other subjects, such as mathematics and science, that he had learnt during the years he spent outside Oman.
Sheikh Mohammed remembers His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said coming to the throne in 1970, and goes on to speak fondly about the changes that he has seen Oman undergo ever since.
The Izki native wrapped up by explaining that later in life he worked in the Shura Council between 1997 and 2000, before his second term in the Council from 2000 to 2003.
“Here in Oman, praise be to Allah, we are blessed with everything, and we live in a safe and stable country, thanks to the blessings of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).”