Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman’s participation as a guest of honour in the 18th G20 Summit contributes to strengthening and developing close relations with the member states of the group and pushing towards broader horizons, especially in the fields of tourism, health, agriculture, alternative energy, education and digital transformation.
His Excellency Pankaj Khimji, Advisor to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion for Foreign Trade and International Cooperation - the main coordinator of the Sultanate of Oman’s participation in the G20 meetings - said: “This important participation in the summit meetings, hosted by the Republic of India, provides the Sultanate of Oman with the opportunity to learn about the mechanisms of global decision-making in political, economic, financial fields, among others, through direct contact with decision makers in developed countries and learning about ways to achieve sustainable development goals.”
His Excellency explained to Oman News Agency that the Sultanate seeks to activate communication channels on the topics and objectives included in “Oman Vision 2040”. Therefore, participation in this global event enables those concerned to learn about future trends, skills and public policies at the international level in many sectors and the extent of their compatibility with Sultanate of Oman policies, and ways to adopt new sustainable strategies.
In addition, His Excellency stated that the Sultanate of Oman’s participation in the summit meetings helps it in its quest to shift towards alternative energy, as the event provides the opportunity to communicate with major consumers and producers in this field, noting that this will serve all sectors. His Excellency pointed out that within the working group meetings, the Sultanate of Oman participated in more than 200 meetings during the last period This includes 9 ministerial meetings during which government decision-makers were briefed on many current and future trends at the international level in the sectors included in these meetings. Emphasis was given to the need to exploit the gains of participation in this summit, including strategies, policies, trends, and the best practices to be applied in line with the objectives of “Oman Vision 2040.”
His Excellency added that the trends and initiatives of the Sultanate in many sectors such as agriculture, mining and tourism - especially in the field of clean energy and green hydrogen - were welcomed by participants in the working group meetings. He said that the 18th G20 summit focuses on several topics such as sustainable, monetary and financial developments at the global level, and efforts made to achieve the 1.5 degree Celsius goal within the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as reduction of gas emissions.