Muscat: Capacity – Building workshop, conducted at the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) commenced on Monday and is expected to continue till Tuesday, the 14th of February. The workshop, organised by Islamic Financial Services Board (ISFB) focuses majorly on 3 areas:
1. Guidelines for the management of liquidity risk for Islamic financial institutions
2. Quantitative measures for managing liquidity risk
3. The revised capital adequacy standard for Islamic financial institutions
The workshop is conducted as a part of the 59th meeting of IFSB Technical Committee, to be held in Muscat on 15th and 16th March, 2023. The main participants of the workshop are CBO employees and other banking sector professionals.
IFSB is an international organization based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Their major goal is the development of the Islamic financial services industry. IFSB also works integrally with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
To ensure prudent and transparent financial services, IFSB develops new international standards or aligns the existing ones according to Sharia principles.
CBO joined IFSB in 2012 and is currently a representative in the Executive Committee and the Technical Committee.