Russia says not hopeful ahead of talks with US over Ukraine

World Sunday 09/January/2022 17:41 PM
By: DW
Russia says not hopeful ahead of talks with US over Ukraine

Russia is not optimistic ahead of the planned talks with the US and other NATO members over the tensions at the Ukrainian border, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Sunday.

Talking to to the Interfax news agency, Ryabkov said it would be "naive" to expect "progress, let alone quick progress."

The Russian diplomat is expected to take part in the scheduled Geneva summit on Monday. Ryabkov is also set to meet with US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman ahead of the talks on Sunday evening.

The Kremlin has made a series of demands regarding Ukraine's relationship with NATOand NATO's expansion in Eastern Europe. Washington has made clear that many of those demands were non-starters. Russia on Sunday reduced any possible optimism about a possible resolution of the situation, saying that it would not back down.

"We will not agree to any concession. That is completely excluded," Ryabkov said. "We are disappointed with the signals coming in the last few days from Washington but also from Brussels."

Why are Russian and US diplomats meeting?

High-level talks in Geneva, where Russian representatives are set to meet delegations from NATO and the Organization for Security and Operation in Europe (OSCE), aim to ease the tensions at the Ukrainian-Russian border. Russia has amassed troops at its border with Ukraine, prompting fears of a full-scale invasion.

The Kremlin has been pushing for an assurance that Ukraine will never be given membership to NATO — an alliance set up to counter the influence of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

While there is no process underway to bring Kyiv into the alliance, the US and NATO have rejected attempts by Moscow to dictate Ukraine's foreign policy.

What consequences is Russia facing?

US President Joe Biden held two phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin in previous weeks.

Biden warned his Russian counterpart of serious consequences should Moscow invade Ukraine again. A possible response could include further sanctions, canceling the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline, or even cutting off Russia from the global banking network.

The US is also considering sending more NATO troops to the ex-Soviet states in the Baltics, which have since joined NATO, according to a report by the AFP news agency. In addition, Washington is mulling reinforcing other NATO members in the east of Europe, the report said.

Moscow has increased its pressure on Kyiv since the revolution in 2014 that toppled the Moscow-friendly administration. Russian troops also took over Crimea and are believed to have been supporting separatists in the east of the country ever since.