Boss texting post work hours is now illegal in this country

World Sunday 14/November/2021 12:44 PM
By: Times News Service
Boss texting post work hours is now illegal in this country

The ruling Socialist Party in Portugal has recently issued a decision to make it illegal for an employee’s boss to contact them after work hours. This is part of new changes brought about to labour laws which were approved by the Country’s Parliament.

Various agencies reported that the decision was based on the explosion of remote working in Portugal due to the pandemic. Employers will face penalties for contacting workers outside their work hours and will also have to assist with expenses incurred during remote working, such as higher electricity and internet bills.

There is one catch however, these rules will not apply to companies with fewer than 10 employees. Also changed are rules which now allow parents of young children to work from home without having to get clearance in advance, till the time their child turns 8 years of age.

Companies have also been asked to tackle issues like loneliness by organising face-to-face meetings every two months.

In January this year, Portugal altered its remote working rules and made it a mandatory option, with only a few exceptions, putting the onus on employers to give their staff the necessary tools to work from home.