Rome: An outraged Italy demanded on Monday that Egypt catch and punish those responsible for the death of student Giulio Regeni, whose tortured, half-naked...
Occupied Jerusalem: Israel plans to increase the number of entry permits it grants to Palestinian workers, Palestinian and Israeli sources said on Monday,...
Occupied Jerusalem: A Sudanese migrant in Israel stabbed and wounded a soldier in an apparent act of solidarity with Palestinians and was shot dead, police...
Oncupinat (Turkey)/Beirut: Aid trucks and ambulances entered Syria from Turkey on Sunday to deliver food and supplies to tens of thousands of people fleeing...
Oncupinar (Turkey)/Beirut: Russian and Syrian government forces on Saturday intensified an assault on rebel-held areas around the Syrian city of Aleppo that...
Occupied Ramallah: Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian 17-year-old in the occupied West Bank on Friday, hospital officials said, and the Israeli...
Beirut: Tens of thousands of Syrians fled an intensifying Russian assault around Aleppo on Friday, and aid workers said they feared the city which once held...
Arbil: Arab fighters backed by Kurdish forces and US-led air strikes retook a village in northern Iraq on Wednesday in an example of effective military...