Muscat: Omani youth and British enthusiasts have embarked on an exploratory expedition “Oman: Jewel of Arabia,” which commenced from Al-Swaih Beach in...
Muscat: Visitors to the Muscat Nights are in for a treat on Saturday, January 11, 2025. In a special announcement, it has been decided that both Al Amerat...
Muscat: The online registration for admissions to Indian Schools in the capital area for the academic year 2025-2026 will commence on 20th January 2025 for...
Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik today issued two Royal decrees reading as follows:Royal Decree No. 11/2025 amends some provisions of...
Muscat,:Rear Admiral Saif Nasser Al Rahbi, Commander of the Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) received in his office at Al Murtafa’a Garrison today Brig. Gen....
Muscat: The Zubair Corporation successfully hosted students and faculty from George Washington University, under the Business and Cultural Exploration...
Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman attaches a great importance to equestrian sports and it lends constant support to participants in horse races organised by the...
Muscat: Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister received at the general diwan of the ministry yesterday Dr. Badr Abdel Aati, Minister of Foreign...