His Majesty issues Royal Decree

Oman Monday 01/February/2021 19:42 PM
His Majesty issues Royal Decree

Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik today issued a Royal Decree reading as follows:

Royal Decree No. 15/2021 on implementing the “Unified System of Extending Insurance Protection to GCC Military Personnel Operating in GCC Member States Other Than Their Own”.

Article (1) states that the provisions of the “Unified System of Extending Insurance Protection to GCC Military Personnel Operating in GCC Member States Other Than Their Own”, shall be applied in accordance with the version attached to this decree, bearing in mind the following:

1. The provisions of the "Law of Post-Service Pensions and Gratuities for Personnel of the Defence Ministry and the Sultan’s Armed Forces”, issued under Royal Decree 3/2002, shall apply to Defence Ministry and Sultan’s Armed Forces’ Omani military personnel operating in GCC military units governed by GCC military retirement systems, from among those who do not get pension from the Sultanate.

2. The ceiling of a salary subject to subscription, as per the start of the salary band of a corresponding rank, shall be in line with the system enforced at the Defence Ministry in the Sultanate. The entitlement of personnel governed by the system attached shall be restricted to the pension. The pension shall be calculated at a rate of 2.5% of the monthly average of the subscribable salary received during the last five years of service, multiplied by the number of service years, to a maximum of 80% of the average of the subscribable salary.

3. The family of the deceased retiree, as per the system attached, shall be entitled to a grant of RO 1,000.

Article (2) stipulates that the Ministry of Finance shall pay the subscription difference between the contribution of the country stated in the “Law on Post-Service Pensions and Gratuities for Personnel of the Defence Ministry and the Sultan’s Armed Forces” (on one hand) and the laws and military retirement systems in the country where the military person works (on the other hand).

Article (3) instructs all military and security departments that apply to their respective personnel the “Law on Post-Service Pensions and Gratuities for Personnel of the Defence Ministry and the Sultan’s Armed Forces” or any other military retirement law to register their GCC employees and to pay the prescribed subscriptions in accordance with the system attached to this decree.

Article (4) states that the Deputy Prime Minister for Defence Affairs shall issue the regulations and decisions necessary for the implementation of the system attached to this decree.

Article (5) cancels all that contradicts this decree or its attached system or contravenes their provisions.

Article (6) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced with effect from 1 June 2011.