Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs publishes amendment in Oman Council Law

Sunday 17/January/2021 16:22 PM
By: Times News Service
Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs publishes amendment in Oman Council Law

Muscat: The Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs publishes an amended text of the Oman Council Law and the most important thing in it. The Shura Council session in which a minister is questioned must be confidential and it is not permissible to publish about it in any media outlets. 

 As stated in the law, Article (51), the Sultan may issue decrees that have the force of law, between the sessions of the Council of Oman, as well as during the term of the dissolution of the Shura Council and the suspension of State Council sessions.

Article (2) Each of the State and Shura Councils shall have legal personality, financial and administrative independence, and shall have its headquarters in Muscat.

Article (70) It is permissible for at least fifteen members of the Shura Council to request interrogation of any of the service ministers in matters related to exceeding their powers in violation of the law.

Article 76, The session of the Shura Council in which the interrogation takes place must be confidential, and only attended by the head of the council, his two deputies, the council members and the Secretary-General may attend it, and all the proceedings of the session must be confidential and not be disclosed or declared, or any of its facts to be transmitted to the press or the media. or, social media of all kinds.