Keeping alive Oman's traditional handicrafts

Oman Wednesday 06/January/2021 22:31 PM
By: Times News Service
Keeping alive Oman's traditional handicrafts

Oman’s handicrafts that are mostly home-based and done by using simple tools have a huge demand among tourists who buy these artefacts as souvenirs. Showcasing the Sultanate's rich culture and heritage, these handcrafted products include pottery items, products made of  palm fronds, silverware and more.

According to Oman's Ministry of Tourism, "Omani arts and crafts are revered treasures that need to be preserved and popularised. Arts and crafts also serve as the main source of vocation of the citizens in the interior regions of the country. Handicraft industry, if developed properly, can provide huge employment opportunities to artisans that include women and people belonging to interior regions of the country.

"Handicrafts help preserve a country’s beautiful cultural aspects.Some of the lines of handicrafts projects in Oman are weaving, embroidery, ceramics, jewellery, basket weaving and paper. Omani items of ceramic, pottery and baskets made of palm and date tree leaves are also popular."

Having been passed down over many generations, one can find a cultural melange of Arab and Islamic imagery in Oman's traditional handicrafts. Be it beautiful handmade glasses, handy earthenware vessels or khanjars, silverware, carpet weaving and other and uniquely crafted silver jewellery items, all the handcrafted designs are rooted in Omani culture and heritage.

While palm tree leaves are used to make mukhraf (a bag for collecting dates), baskets and intricately designed shoulder bags called murbah, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, anklets, ear pendants and bangles are among other souvenirs which tourists like to take from Oman, adds Oman's Ministry of Tourism.