Public health measures applied to deal with new COVID-19 strain: MOH

Oman Tuesday 05/January/2021 18:33 PM
By: Times News Service
Public health measures applied to deal with new COVID-19 strain: MOH

Muscat: The Ministry of Health has confirmed that all public health measures have been applied to deal with the infected person with a genetic mutation virus of the Covid-19, and he is in good health now and is subject to domestic isolation. 

A statement issued online by Government Communication Center (GC) said, ”It has been registered the first case of a genetic mutation virus of the Covid-19 that was recently announced in the United Kingdom and many other countries.”

The statement completed, ”The genetic mutation virus of the Covid-19 was diagnosed in a resident who came to the Sultanate from the United Kingdom and developed respiratory symptoms while undergoing health isolation.”

The statement confirmed, ”The COVID-19 tests that he had taken before arrival and upon arrival in the Sultanate were negative. All public health measures have been applied to deal with the infected person who is in good health now and is subject to domestic isolation.”

The statement continued, ”This announcement confirms the alertness and readiness of the health system in the Sultanate to monitor, diagnose and deal with public health events and emergencies.”

“The Ministry of Health calls on citizens and residents to abide by the decisions of the Supreme Committee regarding avoiding travel outside the Sultanate, except in cases of extreme necessity,” the statement added.