Relish your favourite Christmas delicacies

T-Mag Wednesday 16/December/2020 17:15 PM
By: Oneza Tabish
Relish your favourite Christmas delicacies

Easy and effortless, these Christmas desserts will be the talk of the table this year.


1tsp cocoa powder
1tsp icing sugar
50ml warm water
20ml coffee syrup
20 ml pineapple juice
60g sponge fingers, broken
250ml cream
80g vanilla yoghurt
1tbsp vanilla essence
2tbsp grated chocolate

Mix together the cocoa powder and the icing sugar with water. Stir in the coffee syrup and the pineapple juice.
Arrange half the broken sponge fingers in glass and pour half the coffee -juice mixture on top.Beat the cream and the vanilla sugar until stiff.
Fold in the yoghurt and pour half the mixture into the glasses.
Place the remaining sponge finger crumbs on top, drizzle with the remaining coffee-juice mixture and top with the remaining cream.
Serve garnished with grated chocolate.


500g  mixed dried fruit
100g dates de-seeded
100g prunes de-seeded
150g butter
5tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup marmalade
1/4 cup maple syrup
2tsp mixed spice
1tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 cup plain flour
1 cup self-raising flour


Grease a microwave proof pudding bowl with little butter.
In another microwave proof bowl, add the dried fruit, dates, prunes, butter and 1/2 cup of water.
Microwave on high for two minutes or until butter has melted and the mixture is heated through.
Stir in the bicarbonate of soda and leave aside to cool. Add the sugar, eggs, marmalade, spices and sifted flours to the dry fruit mixture and fold until combined.
Pour into the greased pudding bowl and smoothen the top.
Microwave on medium for 25 minutes. Gently pour the syrup on top.
Stand for 15 minutes before carefully dishing out into a plate.


1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup + 2tbsp butter
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp orange essence/extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
3-4 tsp milk
10 halved almonds

Whisk butter and sugar until very light and creamy. Add essence and whisk again.
Sieve the flour with baking powder and add to the mix. Add milk if needed to knead the dough gently.
Roll out dough to 1/4 inch thickness betweeen 2 sheets of cling film.Cut the dough in heart shapes using a cookie cutter.
Top with halved almonds.Bake on a greased baking tray and bake the cookies at 180c for 20 minutes or till light brown on the edges.
Remove from oven and let the cookies cool on a baking tray before serving.