His Majesty Sultan receives greetings on 50th National Day

Oman Wednesday 18/November/2020 00:03 AM
His Majesty Sultan receives greetings on 50th National Day
His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik

Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik on Tuesday received a cable of greetings on the occasion of the 50th National Day of the Renaissance from Gen. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Nuomani, Minister of the Royal Office, Head of the Office of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, reading as follows:

Your Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik, the Supreme Commander

It gives me the honour, as our dear homeland is celebrating the 50th National Day of the Renaissance, to express my best wishes and heartfelt greetings, praying to the Almighty Allah to have many comebacks of this auspicious occasion find Your Majesty in full health and wellbeing, with Oman relishing plentiful bounties of security, progress and prosperity under Your Majesty’s wise leadership.

Your Majesty the Sultan,

The 18th of November constitutes the anniversary of an eternal parade of glory in Oman’s deep-rooted history.  It marks the day when the late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimour flagged off Oman’s modern Renaissance. Your Majesty has then carried forward the torch supported, God willing, with the Almighty Allah’s divine assistance and the loyal Omani people’s collaboration; it is a pledge to continue the triumphant march, so that Oman remains a lighthouse of peace and an oasis of wisdom and moderation.

Your Majesty’s farsighted vision and Royal directives form the pillars that influence the forward march of Oman’s progress so that the Sultanate affirms its prominent status among nations of the world in the midst of developments experienced by the international community.  Your people lend their staunch support and rally as one column behind Your Majesty’s judicious leadership, willing to sacrifice everything dear and bracing to address all challenges and armed with knowledge, faith and confidence to achieve success.

This is evidenced through Oman Vision 2040 which forms tangible reality, the central element of which is the restructuring of the State’s Administrative Apparatus, so that Oman, as Your Majesty said, will constitute an influential entity in world civilization.

The jubilant crowds, from Musandam to Dhofar, pray to the Almighty Allah to protect Your Majesty and achieve further progress and prosperity at your hands.  The personnel of the lofty Office of Your Majesty, your loyal guards and unflinching troops, reiterate their allegiance, wishing Your Majesty a Happy National Day.

State Council Chairman
His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik received a cable of greetings from Sheikh  Abdulmalik bin Abdullah Al Khalili, Chairman of the State Council, on the occasion of the 50th National Day of Renaissance reading as follows:

 Your Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik, May the Almighty Allah protect you!

In my name and in the name of the honorable members of the State Council and its Secretariat General, I am honoured to express the most heartfelt sentiments and best wishes to Your Majesty on the 50th National Day of the Renaissance, praying to the Almighty Allah to assist you and have many future anniversaries of this auspicious occasion find you in wellbeing, while Omani people are savoring the bounties of progress, security and prosperity in Your Majesty’s glorious reign.

Your Majesty,

Today we relish, with extreme delight and pride, the treasures of Your Majesty’s flourishing reign, which unleashed, over the past months, a host of extremely significant achievements that covered the modernisation of legal systems, restructuring of the State’s Administrative Apparatus and orientation of government units and departments to be more capable of meeting the requirements of renewed Renaissance as envisioned by Your Majesty.

We, at the State Council, reiterate our pledge of allegiance to Your Majesty’s leadership, as well as our commitment to the approach that Your Majesty has outlined in the enthronement speech, which sets out principles of national action.  We bear in mind the successive development witnessed by the world and their political, economic, health and social implications.

We comprehend the fact that we stand on the threshold of a significant stage of development that requires all public and private sectors to operate within the spirit of one team whose prime aim is to accomplish the objectives announced by Your Majesty, including attention to the sector of education by establishing a supportive environment for scientific research.

Other goals include care to human resources and youth, being "the inexhaustible wealth of the nation".  This is in addition to diversifying economic resources, sustaining the integrity of the national economy, increasing income, shrinking debt and achieving fiscal balance, which entails developing systems and laws.

The State Council will shoulder its national responsibilities as prescribed by the law and stated in Your Majesty’s wise directives, so that “Oman remains the greatest objective of all that we accomplish and aspire to achieve”, as Your Majesty has commanded.

Majlis Al Shura Chairman
His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik received a cable of greetings from Khalid bin Nassir Al Ma’awali, Chairman of Majlis Al Shura, on the occasion of the 50th National Day of the Renaissance reading as follows:

 Your Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik, May the Almighty Allah protect you!

 I am honoured, and so are members of the Majlis Al Shura, to express our deepest sentiments and sincere wishes to Your Majesty on the occasion of 50th National Day of the Renaissance, praying to the Almighty Allah to grant you good health and a long life.

Your Majesty,

Since the progress of nations is measured by their civilizational feats, the achievements made across the benign land of Oman are exemplary in terms of bounty, peace and prosperity. Today, Oman, in its fifth decade of modern renaissance, has become a leading nation.

Your Majesty,

By proclaiming the rejuvenation of Oman’s Renaissance, you have consolidated the pillars of justice and placed the country on the threshold of a new era of rebuilding based on sustainable economy.

Your Majesty,

The Shura practice is the cornerstone of governance, and this evidenced through the accomplishments of the Majlis Al Shura and future pursuits as stated in Oman Vision 2040. We look forward to coordination between the Majlis and the Government towards securing the success of the Vision’s plans.

We pledge to follow the course set by Your Majesty’s wise leadership and reiterate our determination to shoulder the responsibilities entrusted to us by Your Majesty.

Your Majesty,
 We pray to the Almighty Allah to guard you as an inspirational leader. We wish that many anniversaries of this auspicious occasion will come back with further wellbeing to Your Majesty, with Oman relishing further progress and prosperity.

Inspector General of Police

His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik received a cable of greetings from Lt. Gen. Hassan bin Mohsin Al Shraiqi, Inspector General of Police and Customs, on the occasion of the 50th National Day of the Renaissance reading as follows:

Your Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik, the Supreme Commander,

It is a great honour for me and personnel of Royal Oman Police to express our most sincere wishes to Your Majesty today on the occasion of the 50th National Day of the Renaissance, praying to the Almighty Allah to bring back this auspicious occasion for many years to come and find Your Majesty in full health and Omani people enjoying the fruits of prosperity.

Your Majesty the Sultan,

It is with the Almighty Allah’s support and continuous care that Royal Oman Police (ROP), since the outset of Oman’s modern renaissance, witnessed rapid development in terms of manpower and equipment. The ROP now enjoys a high level of preparedness and professionalism and has thus occupied a prominent place among its counterparts of in the world.

Omani people have competed to enroll in the ranks of the ROP. They proved a high level of capability in learning modern police sciences. They utilised their full potential mastering the tasks entrusted to them, thereby earning laurels in national services.

Your Majesty,

While celebrating this glorious national occasion, the personnel of Your Majesty’s police hereby reiterate their pledge of allegiance, vowing to sacrifice everything dear in honoring their call of duty to safeguard the gains of Renaissance.

May the Almighty Allah protect Your Majesty. Happy National Day.

Head Of Internal Security Service
His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik received a cable of greetings from Lt. Gen. Said bin Ali Al Hilali, Head of the Internal Security Service, on the occasion of the 50th National Day of the Renaissance reading as follows:

Your Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik, May the Almighty Allah protect you!

In the fullest sentiments of pride and true expressions of respect, I am honoured to convey the heartfelt wishes and best greetings to Your Majesty on the occasion of 50th National Day of the Renaissance, praying to the Almighty Allah to have this anniversary come back for many years when Your Majesty is blessed with wellbeing. May the Almighty Allah guard Your Majesty as an inspiration to this great nation and a symbol of its power and originality.

Your Majesty the Sultan,

The Almighty Allah has protected Oman’s modern Renaissance, whose shoots have grown and flourished over a span of 50 years of growth. Your Majesty has been chosen by the Almighty Allah to lead the march of renewed Renaissance towards further horizons of progress and prosperity. It was His divine will that our country passed through extremely difficult moments and, with Your Majesty on the helm, the vessel sailed forward, armed with authentic factors of power and embarked on the shores of safety.

Attired in dignity and fond of the grandeur of its people, across its verdant land, Oman stands as one column chanting the anthem of glory. It remains, as Your Majesty has desired it to be, an oasis of security, peace, tolerance and harmony.

Your Majesty,

We, in your Internal Security Service, as officers, non-commissioned officers, cadets and troopers, take this opportunity to greet Your Majesty on this auspicious occasion. We pledge loyalty and allegiance to Your Majesty’s judicious leadership. And, as we honour our calling to defend the nation, we will sacrifice everything dear.

May the Almighty Allah protect Your Majesty! We pin our absolute confidence on Your Majesty. Happy National Day.