The Indian School Al Ghubra contingent consisting of Kshama Sushilkumar Mumbai and Suyog Suhas Bhat won the prestigious Ambassador’s Polemic Challenge, in the debate event organised on October 28. 2020, under the aegis of the Board of Directors, Indian Schools, Oman.
Ambassador’s Polemic Challenge is an annual event for the Indian Schools in Oman, organised by the Board of Directors. This year, the 12th edition of the event was held virtually, with Indian School Sohar as the host. The topic of the debate was ‘Online education has made students more independent learners’.
In his introductory message, Dr. Baby Sam Samuel, Chairman, Board of Directors, Indian schools in Oman noted the infodemic of misinformation and stressed that skills such as critical thinking, rational thinking and openness to new ideas are important to overcome misinformation and also thrive as a 21st century global citizen. He added that straddling the opposing positions during the debates can help students in enhancing their persuasion skills.
Munu Mahawar, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman inaugurated the debate competition and noted that debating has been a part of Indian tradition. It is very important to look at an issue from all angles, considering its pros and cons in an objective manner and then arrive at the conclusion. His Excellency commented that the topic of the debate was quite relevant.
Sanchita Verma, Principal, Indian School Sohar, welcomed the dignitaries that included Anil Khimji and Kiran Asher, representatives of the Banyan Community of Oman; Abraham George, President of the School Management Committee; Vinoba M.P., Senior Principal and Education Advisor; the panel of judges consisting of John Moshi, Dr. Arya Aiyappan and Gayatri Khanna; Members of the School Management Committee; Principals and teachers of various Indian Schools in Oman.
Kshama Sushilkumar of Indian School Al Ghubra and Samved Shaji Nambiar of Indian School Salalah were declared as the best speaker and the first runner-up respectively. Monisha Badlani of Indian School Al Maabela was placed at the Second runner-up position. Arin Idhant (Indian School Al Seeb), Kshama Sushilkumar Mumbai (Indian School Al Ghubra) and Dua Zainab (Indian School Ibri) bagged the prize for the best rebuttal. A record number of 17 Indian schools participated in the debate.