
Omani boy risks life to save his family from blaze

Business Monday 14/September/2020 14:27 PM
By: Times News Service
Omani boy risks life to save his family from blaze

Muscat: “I got her out of the house by pulling her legs. Yes, they were heavy, but the fear of something happening to her made me do it.”
These were the reasons given by nine-year-old Al Mutassim Al Shaksi when he risked his own life to save his physically disabled mother from death by fire in their home in Bahla.
The young Omani, who also selflessly rescued his three younger siblings, was at his home in the Dakhiliyah Governorate, when his sister’s screams alerted him to the fire, which had broken out due to a short circuit.
Throwing caution to the winds, Al Mutassim made sure his brothers and sister got out of the house safely before going back inside to help his mum.
“I was watching TV with my younger brother, when I heard my sister screaming and saw fumes coming from one of our rooms,” he recalled.
“I first got my sister, who is just five years old, out of the house, as well as my brothers, who are seven years and one year old, before going back to help my mother.”
His mother was all praise for her brave son’s actions, as she commended his quick thinking and selflessness.
“Al Mutassim acted courageously as soon as he saw the fire,” she said.
“He pulled me out of the house by dragging me by my legs, and also rescued his three siblings. He had the presence of mind to rush to the neighbours and call for help.
“By the grace of God, none of us suffered any injuries,” she added.
“Yes, our house has been destroyed, so we are currently at my mother’s home, but my family is fine, and that is what is more important.”
The children’s father was at work, but came back to Bahla when he heard of the fire.
“I felt proud when Al Mutassim’s mother told me about what he’d done,” he said.
His presence of mind and quick thinking have also earned him an award from the Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance (PACDA).
A statement issued by authority said: “A Brigadier General of the Director General of Civil Defence and Ambulance honoured Al Mutasim bin Ahmed Al Shaksi for saving his family from fire at his home in the Wilayat of Bahla in the Governorate of Al Dakhiliyah. The brigadier praised his bravery, and stressed the need for community awareness in avoiding such accidents.”