Health Watch: How your diet affects your hair loss

Oman Wednesday 09/September/2020 21:05 PM
By: Times News Service
Health Watch: How your diet affects your hair loss

While there are many possible causes for hair loss— stress, the environment, health problems — achieving thick, full and healthy hair ultimately starts with your diet. That’s because the nutrients you get from food and supplements provide the building blocks for your hair growth.While hair loss or alopecia can be either a temporary or a permanent condition, it is one that doesn’t affect just the scalp, it can sometimes affect the entire body.
The reasons for hair-loss can be due to ageing, hormonal changes, and prevailing medical conditions, while it could also be hereditary in nature.
Some people ignore this condition and let their hair loss continue to the stage where reversal becomes very challenging. It is always advisable to seek immediate medical attention to prevent further hair loss and restore growth. Treatment options depend upon the cause and severity of hair loss.
Studies show that certain nutrients like iron, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin C and omega-3s are essential for hair growth and lack of these nutrients and certain inflammatory foods can lead to hair loss and slower-growing hair. Here are some tips about what to eat for optimal hair health.

What to consume:
Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss. It helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your cells making it an important mineral for hair growth. Some good sources of iron include clams, beans, lentils, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, oysters, grass-fed beef and bison.
Hair loss is a common symptom of zinc deficiency. If you have dandruff, slow-growing hair or hair loss, low levels of zinc could be the reason. Zinc plays an important role in hair tissue growth and repair. Make sure to include oysters, white beans, chickpeas, red kidney beans, black beans, lentils and seeds in your regular diet.
Vitamin A
Diets deficient in vitamin can cause hair loss. Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach and kale are all high in beta-carotene and are a good source of vitamin A.
B vitamins
A deficiency in B vitamins can lead to hair loss. B vitamins create red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. Eat eggs, sweet potatoes, onions, pecans, almonds, tomatoes, carrots and avocado for a diet rich in B vitamins.
Omega-3s helps in hair loss. Add fish, like mackerel, wild salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies with omega-3s in your diet. You can also get them through flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds and hemp seed.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps protect against oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which can hamper hair growth. It helps you absorb iron from plant-based foods, and supports the body in collagen formation, which is required for optimal hair growth. Food sources include bell peppers, citrus fruits, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi and dark, leafy greens.
Vitamin D
Low levels of vitamin D causes alopecia Fatty fish, cod liver oil, mushrooms and fortified foods are some of the good dietary sources of vitamin D.
While eating a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet on a regular basis is ideal for improving hair health, it is important to incorporate a hair-supportive supplement in your diet. - Brandpoint

PRP therapy for hair loss treatment


There are hundreds of different hair loss treatments available, which give varied levels of results and reliability. Some research based treatment options have proven to be very effective and, with one such treatment option being plasma rich platelet (PRP) therapy.

What is plasma rich platelet (PRP) therapy and how does it work?
PRP therapy is a simple and non-surgical hair-loss treatment. A few millilitres of blood are drawn from the patient, similar to the manner in which it is taken for any blood test.
It is placed in a centrifuge, which separates platelet rich plasma (PRP) from the rest of components of the blood. A topical numbing solution is applied to the scalp 30 to 40 minutes before the procedure, following which the the PRP is injected in the affected areas of scalp with the help of micro needles.
The platelets release growth factors which stimulate the hair growth and result in healthier-looking hair. Along with this therapy, the dermatologist may recommend other oral and topical medications.
How much time does
the procedure take?
All the simple steps of this outpatient procedure are carried out in the same area of our derma lab, so that it is convenient, and takes approximately 1 hour.
How do I prepare myself for PRP therapy?
Evaluation with a dermatologist is the pre-requisite for this therapy. Your dermatologist will suggest you some do’s and don’ts for this procedure.

A few of the do’s you need to follow include:
• Shampooing the hair prior to the procedure
• Eating light
• Drinking plenty of water to keep you hydrated
• A few blood reports

Some of the don’ts that need to be adhered to are:
• Not washing one’s hair for for six to eight hours after the procedure
• Avoid touching or scrubbing the injected areas for 24 hours.
However, the patient can easily continue with his day-to-day activities following the procedure.
How many sessions will be required to see the results?
The sessions have a monthly frequency. Three to four sessions are highly recommended. Results depend upon severity of the condition. A majority of patients begin to notice results after three sessions.
Are there any risks associated with the procedure?
Since the PRP is obtained from the patient’s own blood, it is a totally natural and safe procedure. There is a very minimal risk of complications and/or allergic reactions but the possibilities are evaluated by the doctor before the procedure, and necessary medications are provided, should such complications happen.
What are the side effects of PRP therapy?
Very rarely, one can experience minimal swelling, bruising, or redness occurs at the needle prick site within first twelve to twenty-four hours of the procedure. No chemical and foreign materials are injected, which makes it a safe procedure.
At times during the procedure, mild pain and minor irritation of the skin can occur. PRP therapy is suitable for both men and women. It contains active factors which stimulates hair growth. Since it is a safe, non-surgical effective therapy, is becoming increasingly popular, thanks to its many medical advantages.
The end result is fuller and healthier looking head that can help to restore one’s confidence.
For more information about PRP therapy and appointments call 9129 9468 or 24 799760, or walk-in to Badr Al Samaa Hospital, Ruwi. This therapy is also available in the Al Khoud, Al Khuwair, Sur, Nizwa, Barka and Salalah branches of Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals.