
His Majesty issues Royal Decrees

Business Tuesday 18/August/2020 14:44 PM
By: Times News Service
His Majesty issues Royal Decrees

Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik on Tuesday issued twenty-eight Royal decrees reading as follows:
Royal Decree No. 86/2020 on the cancellation of some laws.
Article (1) cancels the Law on Regulating Sohar Municipality (promulgated under Royal Decree No. 9/97), the Law on Regulating Regional Municipalities (promulgated under Royal Decree No. 96/2000) and Muscat Municipality (promulgated under Royal Decree No. 38/2015).
Article (2) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on the day following its date of publication.
Royal Decree No. 87/2020 on establishing the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, defining its specializations and endorsing its organisational structure.
Article (1) sets up a ministry to be named “Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) attached to this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth in accordance with Annex (2) attached to this decree.
Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth: All specializations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Ministry of Sports Affairs, the Ministry of Arts Affairs and the National Youth Commission, as well as all that relates to cultural affairs from the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.
Article (4) states that employees of the Ministry of Sports Affairs, the Ministry of Arts Affairs and the National Youth Commission shall be transferred to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, along with their financial grades. It also states that cultural affairs-related employees of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture shall be transferred to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Ministry of Sports Affairs”, “Ministry of Arts Affairs” and “National Youth Commission” shall be replaced, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, with the phrase “Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth”.
It also states that the phrases “Minister of Sports Affairs”, “Minister of Arts Affairs” and “Chairman of the National Youth Commission”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with the phrase “Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth”.
The phrases “Ministry of Heritage and Culture” and “Minister of Heritage and Culture”, wherever they occur in related laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with the two phrases “Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth” and “Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth”.
Article (6) cancels the Ministry of Sports Affairs, the Ministry of Arts Affairs and the National Youth Commission, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 88/2020 merges the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Legal Affairs in one Ministry named “Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs”, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) merges the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Legal Affairs in one Ministry named “Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) attached to this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs in accordance with Annex (2) attached to this decree.
Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Ministry of Legal Affairs whose employees shall be transferred to the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs.
It also states that technical members at the Ministry of Legal Affairs, along with their financial grades, financial allocations and job status, shall be transferred to the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs.
Article (4) states that, without prejudice to Article (5) of this decree, the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs: All the assets, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Ministry of Justice whose employees will be transferred to the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs, (including employees of divisions related to tasks of expertise before courts, advocacy affairs), Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, the Secretariat General of the Administrative Affairs Council for the Judiciary and the governorates of Muscat, Dhofar and Musandam—along with their financial grades—in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (5) transfers to the Ministry of Interior and the governorates of Muscat, Dhofar and Musandam all specializations, allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of divisions of concord and reconciliation at the Ministry of Justice. It also transfers employees of these divisions to the respective departments, each according to their specializations, along with their existing financial grades.
It also states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Awqaf and Religous Affairs: all specialisations, allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Directorate General for Management and Investment of Orphans and Minors Funds at the Ministry of Justice whose employees will be transferred to the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, along with their financial grades.
It also transfers to the Administrative Affairs Council for the Judiciary all specializations, allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of divisions related to the notary public at the Ministry of Justice.
It also transfers the employees of these divisions to the Secretariat General of Administrative Affairs Council for the Judiciary, along with their financial grades.
Article (6) states that the phrases “Ministry of Justice”, “Ministry of Legal Affairs”, “Minister of Justice” and “Minister of Legal Affairs”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to legal affairs, tasks of expertise before courts and advocacy, shall be replaced with the phrases “Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs” and “Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs”.
It also states that the phrases “Ministry of Justice” and “Minister of Justice”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to concord and reconciliation, shall be replaced, where applicable, with the phrases “Ministry of Interior”, “Governorate of Muscat”, “Governorate of Dhofar”, “Governorate of Musandam”, “Minister of Interior”, “Minister of State and Governor of Muscat”, “Minister of State and Governor of Dhofar” and “Minister of State and Governor of Musandam”.
The phrases “Ministry of Justice” and “Minister of Justice”, wherever they occur, shall be replaced in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to the notary public, with the phrases “Administrative Affairs Council for the Judiciary” and “Chairman of the Administrative Affairs Council for the Judiciary”.
Article (7) cancels all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (8) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 89/2020 establishes the Ministry of Labour, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) establishes a ministry to be named “Ministry of Labour” and defines it specializations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Labour in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Labour: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Civil Service Council, the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Civil Service, the National Training Fund and the National Centre for Employment.
Article (4) transfers to the Ministry of Labour employees of the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Civil Service, the National Training Fund and the National Centre for Employment all along with their existing financial grades.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Civil Service Council”, “Ministry of Civil Service” and “Ministry of Manpower”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to civil service and labour, shall be replaced with the phrase “Ministry of Labour”.
It also states that the phrases “Chairman of the Civil Service Council” and “Minister of Civil Service” and “Minister of Manpower”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to civil service and labour, shall be replaced with the phrase “Minister of Labour”.
Article (6) cancels the Civil Service Council, the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Civil Service, the National Training Fund and the National Centre for Employment, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 90/2020 establishes the “Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology”, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) establishes a ministry to be named “Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree, but without prejudice to the System of Electronic Defence Centre (promulgated under Royal Decree No. 64/2020).
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology in accordance with
Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Technology and Communications.
Article (4) states that employees of the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Technology and Communications shall be transferred to the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Ministry of Transport” and “Ministry of Technology and Communications”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to transport, communications, information technology and posts, shall be replaced with the phrase “Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology”.
It also states that the phrases “Minister of Transport” and “Minister of Technology and Communications”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to transport, communications, information technology ad posts, shall be replaced with the phrase “Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology”.
Article (6) cancels the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Technology and Communications, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 91/2020 amends the name of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) renames the Ministry of Heritage and Culture as “Ministry of Heritage and Tourism” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that all the allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Ministry of Tourism shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism.
Article (4) transfers employees of the Ministry of Tourism to the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Ministry of Heritage and Culture” and “Minister of Heritage and Culture”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to heritage, shall be replaced with the phrases “Ministry of Heritage and Tourism” and “Minister of Heritage and Tourism”.
It also states that the phrases “Ministry of Tourism” and “Minister of Tourism”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with the phrases “Ministry of Tourism” and “Minister of Tourism”.
Article (6) cancels the Ministry of Tourism and all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 92/2020 amends the name of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries as “Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources”, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) renames the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries as “Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources” and defines its specialisations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources” in accordance with Annex No. (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Public Authority for Stores and Food Reserve, divisions of water resources and the Food Safety and Quality Centre at the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources.
Article (4) transfers employees of the Public Authority for Stores and Food Reserve to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, along with their existing financial grades.
It also transfers to the same Ministry the employees of the Food Safety and Quality Centre, as well as water resources-related employees of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources, all along with their existing financial grades and in accordance with the terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries” and “Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with “Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources” and “Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources”.
It also states that the phrases “Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources” and “Minister of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources”, wherever they might occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to water resources and food safety, with the phrases “Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources” and “Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources”.
Article (6) cancels the Public Authority for Stores and Food Reserve, as well as all that contradicts this decree or contravenes its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and takes effect from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 93/2020 amends the name of the Ministry Housing as “Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning”, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) renames the Ministry of Housing as “Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning” and defines its specialisations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets related to urban planning at the Secretariat General of the Supreme Council for Planning.
Article (4) transfers to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning employees of urban planning from the Secretariat General of the Supreme Council for Planning, along with their existing financial grades and in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Ministry of Housing” and “Minister of Housing”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with “Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning” and "Minister of Housing and Urban Planning".
Article (6) cancels Royal Decree No. 64/2014 (on defining the specialisations of the Ministry of Housing and endorsing its organizational structure), as well as all that contradicts this decree or contravenes with its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and takes effect from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 94/2020 establishes the Ministry of Economy, defines its specialisations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) establishes the Ministry of Economy and endorses its specialisations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Economy in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that—without prejudice to the provisions of Royal Decree No. 93/2020 on amending the name of the Ministry of Housing as “Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning”, defining its specializations and endorsing its organizational structure—the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Economy: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Secretariat General of the Supreme Council for Planning.
It also states that employees of the Secretariat General of the Supreme Council for Planning shall be transferred to the Ministry of Economy, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (4) cancels the Supreme Council for Planning, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (5) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 95/2020 defines the specializations of the Ministry of Information and endorses its organizational structure.
‫ Article (1) defines the specialisations of the Ministry of Information in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Information in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
‫ ‫Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Information: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Public Authority for Radio and Television, Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising, the Media Training Centre and the Directorate General of Communications at the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers.
Article (4) transfers to the Ministry of Information employees of the Public Authority for Radio and Television, Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising, the Media Training Centre, and the Directorate General of Communications at the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers, along with their existing financial grades.‫
‫ ‫Article (5) cancels the Public Authority for Radio and Television, Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising, the Media Training Centre and the Government Services Communications Centre at the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers. It also cancels all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (6) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 96/2020 amends the name of the Ministry of Oil and Gas as “Ministry of Energy and Minerals”, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
‫‫Article (1) renames the Ministry of Oil and Gas as “Ministry of Energy and Minerals” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that all allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Public Authority for Mining shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.
‫‫Article (4) transfers the employees of the Public Authority for Mining to the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Ministry of Oil and Gas” and “Public Authority for Mining”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with “Ministry of Energy and Mining”.
It also states that the phrases “Minister of Oil and Gas”, “Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Mining” and “Chief Executive Officer of the Public Authority for Mining”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with “Minister of Energy and Minerals”.
‫‫Article (6) cancels the Public Authority for Mining and all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
‫Royal Decree No. 97/2020 amends the name of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry as “Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion”, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
‫‫Article (1) renames the Ministry of Commerce and Industry as “Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
‫‫Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
‫‫Article (3) says that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion: all allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Exports Developments and the Centre for Protection of Competition and Prevention of Monopoly.
‫‫Article (4) transfers employees of the Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Exports Development and the Centre for Protection of Competition and Prevention of Monopoly to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (5) states that the phrases “Ministry of Commerce and Industry”, “Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Exports Development and the Centre for Protection of Investment and Prevention of Monopoly, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, with the phrase “Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion”.
‫It also states that the phrases “Minister of Commerce and Industry”, “Chief Executive Officer of the Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Exports Development and “Board Chairman of the Centre for Protection of Competition and Prevention of Monopoly, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees, with the phrase “Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion”.
Article (6) cancels the Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Exports Development and the Centre for Protection of Competition and Prevention of Monopoly, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and takes effect from its date of issue.
‫Royal Decree No. 98/2020 amends the name of the Ministry of Higher Education as “Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation”, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) renames the Ministry of Higher Education as “Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of The Research Council and its secretariat general, the Directorate General of Vocational Training and Directorate General of Vocational Standards and Syllabus Development at the Ministry of Manpower.
Article (4) transfers to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation the employees of The Research Council and its Secretariat General, the Directorate General of Vocational Training and the Directorate General of Vocational Standards and Syllabus Development at the Ministry of Manpower, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (5) states that the phrase “The Research Council”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with “Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation”.
Article (6) cancels The Research Council and its Secretariat General, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 99/2020 amends designations of some ministries.
Article (1) renames “Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees, as “Foreign Minister’’
Article (2) renames “Minister Responsible for Financial Affairs”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees, as “Minister of Finance”.
Article (3) cancels all that contravenes this decree or contravenes with its provisions.
Article (4) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and takes effect from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 100/2020 establishes Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) sets up a unit to be named “Unit of Follow-up of Implementation of Oman Vision 2040” and defines its specializations in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree and states this Unit exercises its specializations in coordination with the Council of Ministers
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of Unit of Follow-up of Implementation of Oman Vision 2040 in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) states that the Unit of Follow-up of Implementation of Oman Vision 2040 shall have a Chairman to be appointed by Royal decree.
Article (4) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Unit of Follow-up of Implementation of Oman Vision 2040: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Unit of Implementation and Follow-up at the Directorate General for Follow-up of Government Services at the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers.
Article (5) transfers to the Unit of Follow-up of Implementation of Oman Vision 2040 the employees of the Unit of Implementation and Follow-up at the Directorate General for Follow-up of Government Services at the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (6) cancels the Unit of Implementation Support and Follow-up, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 101/2020 on the promulgation of “System of Governorates and Municipal Affairs”.
Article (1) stipulates that the “System of Governorates and Municipal Affairs”, attached to this decree, shall be enforced.
Article (2) states that the Minister of Interior shall issue the regulations and decisions necessary for the implementation of the above-mentioned System attached to this decree. Until then, the existing regulations and decisions in force shall continue to be implemented without prejudice to the provisions of this System.
Article (3) states that—without prejudice to Article (5) of this decree or to provisions of Royal Decree No. 92/2020 (on amending the name of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to “Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, defining its specializations and endorsing its organizational structure)—the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Interior: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources.
It also states that employees of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources shall be transferred to the Ministry of Interior, along with their existing financial grades—and that all assets, origins, rights, obligations and assets of Sohar Municipality and its employees shall be transferred to the Ministry of Interior, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (4) instructs that the Ministry of Interior shall transfer the following to the governorates under its authority: All the allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets that came under its purview, as well as employees transferred—by virtue of provisions of Article (3) of this decree and the Royal decree merging the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Legal Affairs in one ministry named as Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs, defining its specializations and endorsing its organizational structure.
It also instructs that the transfer stated here shall be effected in accordance with the regulations to be issued under a decision by the Minister of Interior.
Article (5) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Governorate of Musandam: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets related to regional municipalities in divisions under the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources in the Governorste of Musandam. It also transfers the employees of these divisions to the Governorate of Musandam, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (6) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Governorate of Muscat: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of Muscat Municipality. It also transfers the employees concerned to the Governorate of Muscat.
Article (7) cancels the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (8) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 102/2020 defines the specialisations of the Ministry of Interior and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) defines the specialisations of the Ministry of Interior in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (2) endorses the organizational structure of the Ministry of Interior in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (3) cancels Royal Decree No. 3/2003 (endorsing the organizational structure of Ministry of Interior) and all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (4) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 103/2020 on amending some provisions of the two Royal decrees on establishing the Tax Authority, promulgating its System and endorsing its organizational structure.
Article (1) states that the phrases “reports to the Council of Ministers” in Article (1) of Royal Decree No. 66/2019 shall be replaced with the phrase “reports to the Minister of Finance”.
Article (2) states that Article (6) of the System of Tax Authority shall be replaced with the clause “The Tax Authority shall have a Chairman under the Special Grade to be appointed by Royal decree.”
Article (3) cancels all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (4) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and takes effect from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 104/2020 on amending some provisions of the two Royal decrees on establishing the National Centre for Statistics and Information and promulgating its System.
Article (1) states that the first article of Royal Decree No. 31/2012 shall be replaced with the following:
“That a centre to be named National Centre for Statistics and Information shall be established and that it shall report to the Minister of Economy.”
Article (2) replaces the phrase “Supreme Council for Planning”, wherever it occurs in the System of the National Centre for Statistics and Information, shall be replaced with the phrase “Minister of Economy”.
Article (3) cancels all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (4) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 105/2020 establishes the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones and defines its specializations.
Article (1) establishes a public authority under the name “Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones” and states that this authority shall have legal identity and financial and administrative independence. It also states that this authority reports to the Council of Ministers.
Article (2) states that the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones shall have its headquarters in the Governorate of Muscat and that, under a decision by its board of directors, it can have branches in other governorates or offices abroad.
Article (3) defines the specialisations of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones in accordance with the Annex attached to this decree.
Article (4) states that the Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones shall also be the Board Chairman of the Authority.
Article (5) transfers to the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones all allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Special Economic Zone in Duqm.
Article (6) transfers to the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones the employees of the Special Economic Zone (Duqm), along with their existing financial grades.
Article (7) states that the Board Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones shall practice the specializations prescribed for the Free Zone Committee, quoted in the Law on Free Zones and Royal decrees on the establishment of free zones of Al Mazyounah, Salalah and Sohar.
Article (8) the phrases “the Special Economic Zone in Duqm”, “Board of Directors of the Special Economic Zone in Duqm”, “Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Special Economic Zone in Duqm”, “Executive President of the Special Economic Zone in Duqm”, wherever they might occur in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with the phrases “the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones”, “the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones”, “the Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones” and “the Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones.
It also states that the phrases “Free Zones Committee”, wherever it occurs in the Law on Free Zones and Royal decrees on the establishments of free zones of Al Mazyounah, Salalah and Sohar, shall be replaced with the phrase “Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones.
Article (9) states that “the advantages, incentives and exemptions stated in laws and Royal decrees on the Special Economic Zone in Duqm and free zones” shall continue to be awarded until such a time that specific Royal decree is issued on this matter.
Article (10) cancels all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (11) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 106/2020 establishes the Environment Authority, defines its specializations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) establishes a public authority to be named “Environment Authority” that shall have legal identity, enjoy financial and administrative independence and report to the Council of Ministers.
Article (2) states that the Environment Authority shall have its headquarters in the Governorste of Muscat and that the board of directors may set up branches for the Authority in other governorates.
Article (3) defines the specializations of the Environment Authority in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (4) endorses the organizational structure of the Environment Authority in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (5) states that, without prejudice to the provisions of Royal Decree No. 85/2020 on the (public authority for civil aviation) Civil Aviation Authority, the following shall come under the purview of the Environment Authority: all allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs that relate to the environment.
Article (6) states that employees of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs shall be transferred to the Environment Authority—except its employees tasked with climate affairs, along with their existing financial grades, and in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (7) states that the phrase “Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to the environment, shall be replaced with the phrase “Environment Authority”.
It also states that the phrase “Minister of Environment and Climate Affairs”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees of relevance to the environment, shall be replaced with the phrases “Chairman of Board of Directors of Environment Authority” and “Chairman of the Environment Authority” where applicable.
Article (8) cancels the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (9) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 107/2020 establishes the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises, defines its specialisations and endorses its organizational structure.
Article (1) states that a public authority to be named “Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises” shall be established, have legal identity, enjoy financial and administrative independence and report to the Council of Ministers.
Article (2) states that the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises shall have its headquarters in the Governorste of Muscat and that the board of directors may set up branches in other governorates.
Article (3) defines the specialisations of the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises in accordance with Annex (1) of this decree.
Article (4) endorses the organizational structure of the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises in accordance with Annex (2) of this decree.
Article (5) transfers to the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises all the allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises and the Al Raffd Fund, including the capital of the Fund, as well as the annual support sum allocated for the Fund in the State’s General Budget.
Article (6) states that employees of the Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises and the Al Raffd Fund shall be transferred to the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (7) cancels the Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises, Al Raffd Fund and all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (8) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 108/2020 on the cancellation of some specialized councils.
Article (1) cancels the Financial Affairs and Energy Resources Council and the Education Council.
Article (2) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Council of Ministers: All specialisations, allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Financial Affairs and Energy Resources Council and the Education Council related to the devising of policies and follow-up of their implementation.
It also states that the two councils’ executive specialisations shall be transferred to the specialized units of the State’s Administrative Apparatus in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (3) transfers employees of the Secretariat General of the Education Council to each of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, along with their existing financial grades and in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (4) cancels all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (5) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 109/2020 cancels the Public Authority for Craft Industries.
Article (1) states that the following shall come under the purview of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism: All allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets related to heritage at the Public Authority for Craft Industries.
It also transfers from the Public Authority for Craft Industries to the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises all allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets related to the development, training and support of artisans (crafts people).
Article (2) transfers from the Public Authority for Craft Industries to the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism the employees tasked with heritage affairs. It also transfers the rest of employees of the Public Authority for Craft Industries to the Authority of Small and Medium Enterprises, along with their existing financial grades, and in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (3) cancels the Public Authority for Craft Industries, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (4) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 110/2020 on the cancellation of the Public Authority for Privatization and Partnership.
Article (1) transfers to the Ministry of Finance all allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets of the Public Authority for Privatization and Partnership, as well as the Authority’s employees, along with their existing financial grades.
Article (2) states that the phrase “Public Authority for Privatization and Partnership”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with the phrase “Ministry of Finance”.
It also replaces the phrases “Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Privatization and Partnership” and “Chairman of Board of Directors of Public Authority for Privatization and Partnership”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees, shall be replaced with the phrase “Minister of Finance”.
Article (3) cancels the Public Authority for Privatization and Partnership, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts its provisions.
Article (4) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. (111/ 2020) on Structuring the Council of Ministers
Article (1) structures the Council of Ministers under the chairmanship of His Majesty the Sultan as follows:
HH Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al-Said, Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers
HH Sayyid Shihab bin Tarik bin Taimour Al-Said, Deputy Prime Minister for Defence Affairs
HH Sayyid Theyazin bin Haitham bin Tarik Al Said, Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth
Sayyid Khalid bin Hilal bin Saud Al-Busaidi, Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court
General Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Nu'amani, Minister of Royal Office
Sayyid Hamoud bin Faisal bin Said Al-Busaidi, Minister of Interior
Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamoud Al-Busaidi, Foreign Minister
Sultan bin Salim bin Said Al-Habsi, Minister of Finance
Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Salmi, Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs
Dr. Mohammed bin Hamad bin Saif Al-Rumhy, Minister of Energy and Minerals
Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Obaid Al-Sa'eedi, Minister of Health
Dr. Madiha bint Ahmed bin Nasser Al-Shibaniyah, Minister of Education
Sayyid Saud bin Hilal bin Hamad Al-Busaidi, Minister of State and Governor of Muscat
Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Said Al-Sa'eedi, Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs
Dr. Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Harrasi, Minister of Information
Sayyid Mohammed bin Sultan bin Hamoud Al-Busaidi, Minister of State and Governor of Dhofar
Salim bin Mohammed bin Said Al-Mahrouqi, Minister of Heritage and Tourism
Dr. Saud bin Hamoud bin Ahmed Al-Habsi, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources
Dr. Khalfan bin Said bin Mubarak Al-Shu'aili, Minister of Housing and Urban Planning
Dr. Rahma bint Ibrahim bin Said Al-Mahrouqiyah, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Eng. Said bin Hamoud bin Said Al-Ma'awali, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology
Dr. Said bin Mohammed bin Ahmed Al-Saqri, Minister of Economy
Qais bin Mohammed bin Moosa Al-Yousef, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion
Laila bint Ahmed bin Awadh Al-Najar, Minister of Social Development
Dr. Mahad bin Said bin Ali Ba'owain, Minister of Labour
Article (2) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 112/2020 on appointment to some posts.
Article (1) appoints HH Sayyid Taimour bin Asa'ad bin Tarik Al-Said as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Oman with the rank of minister.
Article (2) appoints Sheikh Abdulmalik bin Abdullah bin Ali Al-Khalili as Chairman of the State Council, with his existing rank and financial allocations.
Article (3) appoints Dr. Ali bin Masoud bin Ali Al-Sunaidy as Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones, with his existing rank and financial allocations.
Article (4) appoints Dr. Khamis bin Saif bin Hamoud Al-Jabri as Chairman of "Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit", with his existing rank and financial allocations.
Article (5) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from its date of issue. Royal Decree No. (113/ 2020) on appointment to some posts.
Article (1) appoints the following officials to the posts indicated along their names:
Saud bin Nasser bin Rashid Al-Shukaili, Chairman of Tax Authority, with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Eng. Ali bin Mohammed bin Zahir Al-Abri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources for Water Resources.
Dr. Ahmed bin Nasser bin Abdullah Al-Bakri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources for Agriculture.
Eng. Ya'aqoub bin Khalfan bin Khamis Al-Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources for Fisheries.
Dr. Yahya bin Nasser bin Mansour Al-Khusaibi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs.
Eng. Salim bin Nasser bin Said Al-Aufi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.
Dr. Muna bint Salim bin Khalfan Al-Jardaniyah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for Vocational Training.
Dr. Bakhait bin Ahmed bin Suhail Al-Mahri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for Higher Education.
Dr. Saif bin Abdullah bin Sulaiman Al-Haddabi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for Research and Innovation.
Eng. Salim bin Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Nu'aimi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology for Transport.
Dr. Ali bin Amer bin Ali Al-Shaithani, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology for Communications and Information Technology.
Sayyid Salim bin Musallam bin Ali Al-Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour for Human Resources Development.
Sheikh Nasr bin Amer bin Shuwain Al-Hosni, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour for Labour.
Ali bin Khalfan bin Salim Al-Jabri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information for Information.
Mohammed bin Said bin Mohammed Al-Balushi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information for Radio and Television.
Rashad bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Hinai, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth for Sports and Youth.
Eng. Ahmed bin Hassan bin Alawi al-Dheeb, Deputy Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones, with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Sayyid Said bin Sultan bin Ya'arub Al-Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth for Culture.
Dr. Nasser bin Rashid bin Abdullah Al-Ma'awali, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy.
Sheikh Rashid bin Ahmed bin Rashid Al-Shamsi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Development.
Dr. Saleh bin Said bin Salim Masan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion for Commerce and Industry.
Asila bint Salim bin Sulaiman Al-Samsamiyah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion for Investment Promotion.
Eng. Ibrahim bin Said bin Khalaf al-Kharousi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism for Heritage.
Maithaa bint Saif bin Majid Al-Mahrouqiyah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism for Tourism.
Eng. Hamad bin Ali bin Sulaiman Al-Nazwani, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning for Housing.
Dr. Mohammed bin Ali bin Mohammed Al-Muttawa, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning for Urban Planning.
Talal bin Sulaiman bin Habib Al-Rahbi, Deputy Chairman of "Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow up Unit" with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Khalid bin Ahmed bin Said Al-Sa'adi, Secretary General of the State Council with the special grade.
Mohammed bin Sulaiman bin Hamoud Al-Kindi, Deputy Governor of Muscat with the special grade.
Halima bint Rashid bin Sulaiman Al-Zer'aiyah, Chairperson of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority with the special grade.
Dr. Abdullah bin Ali bin Abdullah Al-Amri, Chairman of Environment Authority with the special grade.
Sayyid Khalifa bin Al Murdas bin Ahmed Al-Busaidi, Secretary General of Governorates Affairs at the Ministry of Interior with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Sheikh Dr. Khalifa bin Hamad bin Hilal Al-Sa'adi, Adviser at the Ministry of Interior with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Dr. Yahya bin Badr bin Malik Al-Ma'awali, Governor of South A'Sharqiyah with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Sheikh Saif bin Hamyar bin Mohammed Al-Shehi, Governor of North Al Batinah with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Issa bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al-Azri, Governor of South Al Batinah with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Sheikh Hilal bin Said bin Hamdan Al-Hajri, Governor of A'Dakhiliyah with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Sheikh Me'athad bin Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Ya'aqoubi, Governor of Al Wusta with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Najib bin Ali bin Ahmed Al-Rowas, Governor of A'Dhahirah with his existing grade and financial allocations.
Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed bin Meshari Al-Shamsi, Governor of North A'Sharqiyah with the special grade.
Sayyid Dr. Hamad bin Ahmed bin Saud Al-Busaidi, Governor of Al Buraimi with the special grade.
Article (2) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.