
Sohar Hospital puts in place new time-commitment system

Oman Sunday 04/October/2020 10:24 AM
By: Times News Service
Sohar Hospital puts in place new time-commitment system

Muscat: Sohar Hospital has implemented a time-commitment system for appointments to specialised clinics.

The General Directorate of Health Services in North Al Batinah said in a statement: "In order to preserve your safety and in compliance with the rules of social distancing in the waiting halls, Sohar Hospital will start applying a time-commitment system for appointments of specialised clinics as of 4 October. Note that the new work system will include all clinics after it is partially implemented."

"Therefore, we request that the visit be opened with the records officer half an hour before the time specified in the appointment letter, and we apologise for not opening the visit to those who do not abide by the time," the statement added.