Omani singer records song for album in India

Business Monday 16/May/2016 22:30 PM
By: Times News Service
Omani singer records song for album in India

Muscat: Omani singer Nadeem Al Balushi is back in Muscat after spending eight days in Mumbai, India recording songs for a new album.
“I was in Mumbai two years ago, when I recorded songs for my first album titled ‘For All.’ It was a great experience and I managed to make some great friends in the Bollywood fraternity, and this is why I went there again to record songs for my new album.”
Together with some of his contacts, Al Balushi was able to produce six good quality songs, which he will compile into an album, due for release by the end of this year.
“I took two songs from music composer and director Sahil Multy Khan, who is a top artist in Bollywood and has also contributed to a recent film called Dhara 302. Besides this, I took four songs from Music Composer Amir. I want to add two more songs to the album soon.”
Al Balushi has kept the name of the album a surprise for until later, but said that all the songs in the album will be in Hindi, unlike his previous album, where he sang in Arabic, English, Punjabi, Hindi and Swahili. The songs were recorded at the ‘Audio Craft’ studios, run by Hanif Tak.
Wonderful people
“I had a great time recording the songs, it didn’t feel like work at all because of all the wonderful people around me. Everyone was very friendly — Jeetu, the violin player is one of the best in Bollywood, the Percussion player Girish was brilliant too, so I got a chance to work with wonderful people and brilliant artists.”
“I want to thank all these wonderful people who made my life so easy back in Mumbai with their recording support, the lyrics were written by Tanvir and the guys who arranged the music for my songs were Avik and Roop, who did a great job too.”
Al Balushi is also known as the ‘King of Bollywood music’ in Muscat because of his previous ventures with Hindi songs. He is also the first Omani to run a one-man band with three keyboards.