Appearing on stage with the year "2020" shaved into his head and wearing a bullet-proof vest, Kanye West on Sunday launched his last-minute presidential campaign at an event in Charleston, South Carolina.
West's lengthy, live-streamed monologue lasted roughly one hour and touched on drug policy, abortion, religion and even his own music business. Speaking without a microphone, he also solicited input from attendees.
During one point, he directed criticism at renowned abolitionist Harriet Tubman, drawing ire from some attendees. "Harriet Tubman never actually freed the slaves. She just had the slaves work for other white people," West said.
Tubman was a former slave in the 19th century who set up the Underground Railroad, a secret network of routes and safe houses that helped enslaved people escape north to freedom. She later became a supporter of women's suffrage.
The several hundred audience members, who were required to sign coronavirus liability forms, wear masks and practice social distancing measures, were reportedly registered guests only.
Discussing abortion, West said that the practice should be legal but that it should be heavily discouraged, breaking down in tears as he described how he was nearly aborted by his parents. He suggested financial incentives for struggling mothers could help curb abortion. "Everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars," he said.
West offered few details on his presidential campaign, which he initially announced through a tweet on July 4. He has missed deadlines to get on the ballot in multiple states, but appears to have met filing requirements for Oklahoma.