Muscat: The State Audit Institution (SAI) participated in the 2nd extraordinary meeting of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Monitoring Committee of the Arab Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI).
The meeting took place through video conferencing from Tunisia with the participation of Committee members.
The meeting discussed several items of the agenda specifically a special draft plan in the field of auditing and monitoring sustainable development goals relevant to health sector, in addition to discussing the committee's proposed programme which is planned to be implemented with the cooperation of the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) focusing on training on ISAM system to audit health sector sustainable development goals.
During the meeting, the members also reviewed and examined important indicators used in the health sector and as standards in audit programmes and tasks relevant to the sector.
Further, the members touched upon the training on utilising standard (ISSAI 1620) relevant to using the work of an auditor's expert in order to foster efficiency in auditing the health sector and assessing health related policies and programmes.
It is worth noting that the ARABOSAI Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring Committee was established by decision No. 94/2008 of the Executive Council of the organisation in its 41st meeting.
SAI is a member in the committee along with a number of other Arab SAIs.