Stiff jail term for promoting prejudice in Oman

Energy Tuesday 12/May/2020 08:36 AM
By: Times News Service
Stiff jail term for promoting prejudice in Oman

Muscat: Any act that promotes prejudices and ideas that disturb the fabric of society or arouse feelings of hatred among the population is subject to a penalty of up to ten years in prison.

A statement issued online by the Public Prosecution said: “Dear citizens and residents, the Omani community has a long-standing tradition of tolerance and co-existence, rejecting seeds of dispute, dissent and division. The law protects the social fabric and promotes the values of co-existence and harmony.”

“It has made illegal any act that promotes prejudices that disturb the fabric of the community or invoke feelings of hatred among the populace. The sentence for such acts is imprisonment for a period extending to ten years,” the statement added.