Coronavirus: Conditions listed for exempted activities in Oman

Energy Wednesday 29/April/2020 08:44 AM
By: Times News Service
Coronavirus: Conditions listed for exempted activities in Oman

Muscat: The Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources has announced conditions that should be followed by exempted activities according to the decisions of the Supreme Committee to deal with COVID-19.
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A statement issued online by the ministry said: “Conditions must be met in providing the services and employees and customers are urged to adhere to the following guidelines:

1- Always keep washing hands frequently with soap and water or sterilise them using alcoholic sterilisers. Avoid touching the eyes, mouth and nose with unclean hands or after touching contaminated surfaces. Make sure to cover the mouth and nose with a mask or using tissue when coughing or sneezing, not to shake hands and place a good distance between people of atleast two meters. Refrain from sharing personal protective equipment such as helmets, gloves, and face masks.

2- Providing proper ventilation inside the institution

3- Promote physical distance where the minimum limit is 2 meter between individuals to reduce close contact between the institution’s employees, the minimum direct contact as possible and avoid physical greetings such as handshaking and hugging.

3- Working on setting up barriers according to the risk rate of infection within the institution.

5- Working on using electronic means and digital documents to limit human contact to a minimum.

6- Working to activate the appointment system for customers and reducing the time periods for their presence in the institution.

7- Not to transfer the institution’s employees from one branch to another.

8- Providing appropriate personal protection means and equipment for each employee.

9- Urging the institution’s employees to sterilise all common devices and equipment, such as phones, tablets, mobile computers and other devices.

10-Work to activate the mechanism of sorting employees and customers according to respiratory symptoms in terms of temperature, symptoms of cough and runny nose on a daily basis before entering the institution and not to allow those who have symptoms to enter to the work area and direct them to the nearest health institution.

11- In the event that infected cases are detected or if there are contacts of infected cases, the isolation periods must be adhered to, while providing special places for isolation with a toilet.

12- Intensifying the cleaning process at the workplace and the workers' residence using the recommended cleaning fluids to ensure continuous disinfection, especially for surfaces that are frequently contacted such as drawer handles, doors, tables using sterile disinfectants.

13- Providing a suitable residence for workers, provided that the physical distance between two people is at least two meters.