Muscat: Almost 33 per cent of coronavirus cases have been cured, the government said on Thursday.
A statement issued online by Government Communication Centre (GC) said: “The total infected cases of coronavirus in Oman touched 39 of which 13 have been recovered. Thus the cure rate from coronavirus reached 33% in Oman,” the statement added.
Bahrain registered 256 cases of coronavirus cases while 95 have been recovered. The cure rate is 37%, which is the highest cure rate among the GCC countries.
In Kuwait, the infected cases reached 113 and 26 of them have been recovered. The cure rate is 23%.
In United Arab Emirates ( UAE ), 148 cases were registered and 18 of them have been recovered, thus the cure rate from coronavirus reached 12%.
While in Saudi Arabia, the number of coronavirus cases reached 238 cases and 6 of then have recovered. The cure rate from coronavirus is 3%.
The lowest cure rate from coronavirus is 1% in Qatar. Where 452 cases of Corona virus were registered and 4 cases have been recovered.