Dozens of animal mummies, statues discovered in Egypt

T TV Monday 25/November/2019 08:24 AM
By: Times News Service

Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced the discovery of dozens of ancient mummies and statues of animals dating back to some 2,700 years ago.

It was discovered inside a cache at Saqqara necropolis in Giza province near the capital Cairo.

"The unearthed objects, including mummified lion cubs, cats, crocodiles and mongooses, were hidden in 25 wooden boxes decorated with hieroglyphic texts inside a small cache in a cemetery for animals in Saqqara." - Mostafa Waziri, Head of the Ministry's Supreme Council of Antiquities

Among the objects are a collection of 75 cat statues representing ancient Egyptian cat goddess Bastet, a small wooden statue of goddess Neith.

It also has 57 bronze statuettes of ancient god Osiris and a falcon-like statue of god Horus.