Over 40 per cent drop in water rescue cases in Oman

Energy Monday 01/July/2019 21:30 PM
By: Times News Service
Over 40 per cent drop in water rescue cases in Oman

Muscat: Despite a 42 per cent fall in the number of water rescues in the past three years, the Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance (PACDA) is urging people to take more care during trips to beaches and swimming areas to prevent drowning tragedies.
Statistics released by the authority revealed that in 2016 there were 268 water rescue operations, while in 2017 the figure fell to 173. Last year, the authority recorded just 155 incidents. “With the start of summertime and the increase in temperatures, many families head to beaches, wadis and water ponds to get away from the heat; care must be taken to avoid drowning accidents,” PACDA said.
So far this year, 13 people have drowned in various parts of the Sultanate, at least five of whom were children.
According to PACDA, the reasons that lead to drowning accidents include going into water without knowing how to swim, swimming in areas that are not designated for it, like dams and agricultural ponds, and crossing wadis without taking into account the strength of the current.
Other reasons include attempting to rescue others, which at times leads to the drowning of more than one person at the same time.
The areas where the majority of the water rescue took place include the ocean, wadis during rainfall, dams, water ponds and open water tanks.
PACDA has issued guidelines for the public in order to avoid drowning accidents, which include, swimming only in designated areas and making sure that the swimming pool is equipped with a fixed staircase and metal handles spread across the perimeter of the pool.
The authorities at the civil defence also advised parents or guardians not to completely fill children’s swimming pools. Children who are not carefully monitored during trips to areas near water are in danger of drowning and PACDA recommend checking that all your children are with you when you leave a swimming area.