#OmanPride: Al Wafa Centre holds disabled children’s handmade products exhibition

More sports Wednesday 27/April/2016 20:28 PM
By: Times News Service
#OmanPride: Al Wafa Centre holds disabled children’s handmade products exhibition

Muscat: Breaking down stereotypes, the Al Wafa Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Disabilities (WRCCD) displayed children's handmade products for the public to prove that disabled children and people are also able to become productive members of the society.
The products were displayed at the Muscat Grand Mall, which ranged from stunning paintings and handmade dolls to bedazzled tissue box holders and frankincense thuribles.
Nawal Al Shuhi, deputy supervisor at WRCCD said it took the children two months to create their work.
"It is a great opportunity for the community to see the children's talents and that they are capable of creating such beautiful work," said Al Shuhi.
She said they are continuously seeking support from the government and private sectors, as well as the general public.
The disabilities range from physical, mental and autism.
Supporting the cause, members of Oman Mustangers were present as they helped organise the exhibition to acquaint the public with the children's talent.
"We want the people to know that disabled people are also talented, not just those who are not disabled," said Ayman, an administrative member of Oman Mustangers.
"We want to break the stereotypes; just like how people perceive Mustang owners, such as ourselves, are rash and reckless people, when it is not the case. Yes, our cars are powerful, they make a lot of noise and are fast, but it can also be used responsibly. Disabled children have a lot of talent, but most people see them differently," he added.
"A lot of people think that disabled people cannot do anything and I have had people say it to me directly," said Al Shuhi.
"But we are not a school, we are a rehabilitation centre and we bring out the talent in the children so it can benefit them in the future and have some self reliance," she added, explaining that the children could make a career out of their abilities.
Although it was a one-day event, staff members and supporters relied on the community to keep an open mind and support the disabled children.
Al Shuhi said the next step for "glory" would depend on how active the community was towards supporting the children.