Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg passes away

World Tuesday 23/April/2019 19:34 PM
By: Times News Service
Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg passes away

Berlin: Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg has passed away at the age of 98, his son Henri confirmed.

In a statement, Henri, who is the current ruler of the European state, announced the death of his father, stating that he was "surrounded by the affection of his family."

Before ascending the throne, Jean fought for his country against Nazi Germany, participating in the D-Day landings and Luxembourg's liberation.

Jean ruled the country from 1968-2000, when he abdicated in favour of his son. He has been credited with overseeing the Grand Duchy's transformation into a modern state, with a thriving international financial hub at the heart of Europe.

Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, said, "He was, and remains, a symbol of our country and will forever stand for loyalty to the country and love for the people."

Among those who offered their condolences were the Dutch royal family.

"We are grateful for his friendship and warmth, and we cherish our many fond memories of him. Grand Duke Jean was a wise and unassuming man who sought to unify. His considered approach and humanity helped foster peace and trust, both in his own country and in Europe as a whole," read a statement from the King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and Princess Beatrix.