ROP issues road safety instructions as weather worsens

Oman Saturday 13/April/2019 14:25 PM
By: Times News Service
ROP issues road safety instructions as weather worsens

Muscat: The Royal Oman Police has warned citizens and residents to avoid crossing wadis as Oman's weather worsens.

In a statement, the police said, "Due to the expected weather conditions affecting the Sultanate's atmosphere during the coming time, the Royal Oman Police urges all citizens and residents to exercise caution during the rain and not to risk crossing Wadis or driving with low vision."

The police also stressed the need to “follow the safety instructions in such cases."

Earlier today, Muscat Municipality also issued a warning for the public to stay away from electricity poles during rainfall.

In an online statement, the Municipality said, "Everyone is urged to be careful, and to stay away from pools of water gathered around the light poles and nearby electrical complexes, in order to avoid dangerous electrocution."