Muscat: The Ministry of Agriculture denied the presence of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus in cattle and camels in the Sultanate.
In a statement, the ministry said: "The Ministry of Agriculture follows what has been circulated in social media on the existence of human cases with the disease of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Corona), where the ministry immediately received preliminary information of cases in coordination with specialists in the Ministry of Health."
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"The ministry has taken samples and inspected the herds of citizens' cattle and camels suspect of the disease, and the laboratory test results show the cattle are free of the virus," the ministry added.
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The Ministry confirms that to date the cattle herds in the Sultanate are free from the SARS virus. In addition to continuing the efforts of specialists in the investigation, surveys, sampling and laboratory analysis, the Ministry urges the animal breeders, especially camels, to observe all necessary precautions when dealing with animals.