
Oman's image of pacific grandeur

Opinion Friday 22/April/2016 17:29 PM
By: Times News Service
Oman's image of pacific grandeur

Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919) was the first American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. His passing bell was tolled during his sixtieth winter only.
On his unseasonable demise, Rudyard Kipling (December 30, 1865 – January 18, 1936), the first-ever English writer to receive the Nobel Prize in literature in 1907, penned, "Oh, our world is none the safer/ Now Great-Heart hath died! Roosevelt and Rudyard have one unfortunate similarity. They both spent the same white winter of despair by losing their sons Quentin and John, respectively, in the First World War," (June 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918) that cost more than fifteen million lives.
However, both Roosevelt and Rudyard also shared a ‘glad May morning in the same spring of hope’.
Death ushered them to break away from a huger homicide of the Second World War (September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945) that cost sixty million lives – four times more than that of its first edition.
Passage to the heavenly abode took both of them to the woods! It helped them flee from those desolated lands!
This was the moment man wanted to profess, on my heart deeply has sunk the lesson Thou hast given! This was the moment man wanted to promise, His paradise once lost would now be regained!
No, on the contrary, the clouds gave promise of rain but it never rained nor did it even shed fine drops! We had better detest before we detail!
A branch of physics and engineering coated as electronics rather microelectronics reached us pretty ahead of our times.
Indebted to informatics we are well-informed today; we are yet to know whether and when we are well-off, though. Anyway, most factual information we proudly take into custody today are but the worst examples of heartlessness against ourselves. They rather cause discomfort to us. They are those intentional but irrational irritations of ours.
Some theories ascertain that the unearthed fossils of Neanderthals were mostly the leftovers of what their ‘comrades in arms’ had in a banquet. This may be prehistoric anyway, but our history says, the survivors of the Andes Mountains (South America) plane crash (1972) ate their dead companions.
Nevertheless, the mother planet of ours is still fertile enough to mother lives and is the sole living planet across the universe to the best of our knowledge to date.
Though none of us in the world today is out of the woods, knock wood (don’t just touch it!), Oman is always standing out more than ever to take our civilisation out of the troubled waters.
July 23 is a date to celebrate for the people in Asia as the Vietnamese cosmonaut Pham Tuan was the first Asian in space. July 23 is also a date to celebrate around the world on the occasion of the Renaissance in Oman; a nation was reborn with humanity heralded a decade earlier than Pham Tuan’s voyage to the outer space. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said assumed power in 1970.
Oman had then only a handful of international relations. In spite of a down-to-earth foreign policy, Oman has always retained its specific image of pacific grandeur.
Despite having its own say in various matters Oman suffered no breakups with any of the members of the Arab League.
Thanks to Oman’s efforts, the Gulf Cooperation Council, composed of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and, UAE, was established in 1980. The GCC is now a role model for cross-border cordiality, which tenders a factual framework amidst other belligerent neighbours.
Like the gradual slopes on the low hills around, Oman has also little by little ameliorated its amicability toward its neighbours and is thus ultimately neighbouring the world over.
Since 1983, Oman has as a matter of course most actively backed up the regional peace initiatives.
In April 1994, Oman hosted the plenary session of the Water Working Group of the peace process.
More significantly, it was the maiden region state to do so.
Oman has of late undertaken diplomatic first step in the Central Asian republics too; take Kazakhstan for instance.
A joint oil pipeline there is in the pipeline now.
By extending a helping hand with the chores, Oman stays always a proverb for tranquillity and transparency. - Exclusive to Times of Oman