You’ve already searched your memory to find a match for a know-it-all, haven’t you? If you’re wondering whether you're dealing with a know-it-all, here are eight easily identifiable traits that’ll help confirm your doubts.
1. They always ‘beg to differ’ – Why? Because it leads to a debate. And a know-it-all loves debates. And by debate, we don’t’ mean those healthy ones where the objective is to enlighten oneself on the flip side of a subject. These debates are arguments, with the sole reason of initiation being to gloat in the satisfaction of having won the argument later.
2. They’ll never admit to a mistake – You’ll never hear them say, ‘Oh really? I didn’t know that’. They can’t possibly do that, because (you guessed it right) they think they know-it-all. In the event of being cornered, they’ll either brush it off like they didn’t hear it or cover it up saying that’s what they had heard/read.
3. They can come across as rather boastful – Even if they don’t mean to. The simple reason is that they truly believe they know more than they actually do. They tend to talk about their views, accomplishments and far-reaching worldly experience and pay less attention to what others are saying.
4. They don’t handle criticism well – You can’t just tell a know-it-all that he/she got it wrong and walk away. They wouldn’t take it well (at all)! It’s always a good idea to offer ‘feedback’ than ‘criticism’.
5. They crave attention – Giving them the liberty to talk about themselves and listening intently can really earn you brownie points with a know-it-all. They love being listened to, acknowledged and appreciated for all that they think they know. But hey, who doesn’t like attention?
6. They are always pointing out flaws – In others, of course! Mispronunciations, spelling mistakes or the proceedings of an event, they’d be the first ones to raise an eyebrow and announce how wrong it was.
7. They can get pretty loud sometimes – While others might just sit back and wait for their chance to state their views, know-it-alls tend to draw attention by raising their voice, forcing others to listen.
8. They don’t acknowledge other experts – This is due to the belief that they are the experts and no one knows the subject better than them. Know-it-alls can, therefore, come across as even jealous as they don’t appreciate other talents.
Antara Bose is a model turned fashion and beauty consultant. A popular blogger, anchor, and voice over artist, she maintains a deep connection with the local fashion industry and is passionate about discovering and celebrating aspiring talent as well as promoting animal rights. For fashion updates with a side of humour and sarcasm follow Antara on instagram @antarabose and on Facebook: Antara Bose.