Why probiotics are good for your health

Lifestyle Saturday 15/September/2018 18:34 PM
By: Times News Service
Why probiotics are good for your health

The human body naturally contains trillions of good and bad bacteria that must stay in balance for optimal health. This balance is fragile and often disrupted by changes in environment or routine, diet, oral antibiotics, or a woman’s menstruation. Good probiotic bacteria, introduced through foods, supplements and environmental cleaning products, can keep your digestive tract and everything around you clean, healthy and safe. In other words, probiotics are beneficial inside the body and outside the body.
External probiotics
P2 Probiotic Power is a line of food-grade, non-GMO, chemical-free probiotic products that create a barrier against bad bacteria, killing germy invaders and keeping them away by safely cleaning and protecting teeth, skin, hands, air, kitchen and bathroom surfaces, hotel rooms, airplane trays, air vents and pets. Countertops, cutting boards, washing machines, your pet’s water bowl, and baby rattles all harbour bad bacteria. Failing to add beneficial probiotics into your home environment can leave you and your household vulnerable to bad bacteria that can cause illness. Bleach, disinfectants and anti-bacterial products can cause bad bacteria to strengthen and multiply.
Internal probiotics
The two most common strains of internal probiotics, lactobacillus and bifodobacterium, live in the digestive system, urinary system, and genitalia. They help send food through your gut, absorb nutrients and protect the body against potentially harmful invasions by bad bacteria. These beneficial probiotic strains can be found in fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi and pickles, to name a few. While probiotics are often prescribed for problems or the overall health of the digestive system, they’re capable of more — benefiting other areas of the body and our external environment.
Millions suffer from issues related to their gut or GI tract, such as constipation, diarrhoea, gas, bloating, nausea or abdominal discomfort. In fact, overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut has also been linked to obesity and even depression. Most of your body’s immune cells (70 to 80 per cent) are in your gut, so it’s to your benefit to consider probiotic options that may help you ease a condition. Since gut health plays a vital role in our overall wellness, taking a supplement helps to provide good bacteria to the digestive tract.