5 Signs you are overworked

T-Mag Wednesday 01/August/2018 16:17 PM
By: Times News Service
5 Signs you are overworked

We bet you’ve come across people at your workplace complaining about their ailments. Maybe you’ve replied doing the same. It’s just so common that we all barely pay heed to it — it’s merely idle conversations. But the truth is, your body is trying to tell you something and you’re just not listening. Long hours at work, tight deadlines and rising stress levels — it’s your body that is paying for this. For a start, recognise these top five complaints and learn to tackle them.

1 You have a bad back
Almost perpetually! And that’s not normal unless you’ve had a definite injury. The worst thing to do is to ignore these backaches and just wish for it to go away. It’s not a bee that will eventually buzz off if you ignore it.
What you should do: Examine your chair and your posture. Bad backs are caused by slouching at your work desk. If your chair has gotten too old and hard, demand a new one. These are basic hygiene needs — you aren’t asking for a raise. Get up and stretch for a few minutes every hour or two. Take a short walk to the pantry or washroom or stand and chat with a colleague.

2 You feel dizzy or have a headache
There is not much good work that gets done when you’re battling a headache and struggling to remain steady. Save yourself the fight and pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you.
What you should do: Keep drinking lots of water, and check your caffeine intake. When we get too absorbed in our work, we often forget to hydrate ourselves. And no, coffees don’t count as fluid intake. Well, technically yes, they are fluids, but they only dehydrate us further. Another reason for headaches can be eye-strain. Long hours of exposure to rays can result in pretty bad headaches. Get your screen fitted with one of those soothing ray-filters. It’s also a good idea to get your eyes checked. Maybe your power has increased.

3 You snap easily, get frustrated and have frequent outbursts
Petty things that you’d otherwise let slip suddenly seem to be such a big deal. This kind of behaviour is detrimental to your mental health and can really upset those around you too.
What you should do: This one’s purely emotional; you’re clearly not handling your stress well. Take some time off work to do something therapeutic. If that’s too time-consuming, give yourself time in between work to just do nothing. Grab your coffee mug, step out to the balcony and suck in some fresh air. Leave your phone behind and take some time out for yourself. A quick morning meditation can work wonders too. In your head, make a list of situations or things that have been bothering you and figure out how to tackle them.

4 You’re putting on weight
You are either binge-eating comfort food or skipping your physical activity to make room for more time in front of the screen. It is plain unhealthy and ignoring your body in this manner will eventually make you sluggish, affect your personal confidence, and, over a course of time, even make you less productive.
What you should do: Take up some form of exercise and follow a healthy meal plan. You don’t have to make phenomenal changes to your schedule. A quick 20-30 minutes work out first thing in the morning will ensure you don’t fall prey to skipping workouts because of the ‘end of the day exhaustion’. If workouts aren’t your thing, enrol in a sport. You’ll be more likely to go for it if you’ve paid a handsome advance.

5 You’ve forgotten important home commitments
Forget getting the gift, the birthday in its entirety has slipped out of your mind. You’ve also forgotten the dinner you promised your folks, the trip to the park your nephews were so looking forward to and a million other things which you can’t even recollect.
What you should do: Learn to strike a balance. We know you’ve heard that a million times, but we’ll put it more brutally so you’ll actually remember. If you aren’t going to give time to your loved ones, eventually work is all you’ll have. And there is only so much joy you can derive out of material gains.

Antara Bose is a model turned fashion and beauty consultant. A popular blogger, anchor, and voice over artist, she maintains a deep connection with the local fashion, wellness and health industry. For fashion updates follow Antara on instagram @antarabose and on Facebook: Antara Bose.