Riyada and NBC aided firms explore investment in Duqm

Business Saturday 09/April/2016 17:47 PM
By: Times News Service
Riyada and NBC aided firms explore investment in Duqm

Muscat: As part of the monthly ‘Reyooq with CEO’ initiative, the National Business Centre (NBC) which falls under the umbrella of the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates (PEIE), organised a two-day field visit for the incubated companies in NBC and Riyada incubator to the wilayat of Duqm.
The visit aimed at highlighting investment opportunities available at Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority (Sezad) and meeting the officials at the authority — Oman Drydock Company and Port of Duqm.
A presentation was delivered by Mulkie Al Hashmi, Marketing Director at NBC, who highlighted NBC’s vision which is to become the premier platform for Omani entrepreneurs by providing business development support and guidance, training and mentoring, access to markets and industry experts and state-of-the-art, fully equipped, office space, meeting rooms and presentation facilities.Al Hashmi also underlined the objectives of NBC which comprise facilitating and supporting the growth of investable ideas into successful businesses; building entrepreneurial skills through dedicated and focused training, coaching and mentoring; and providing business support facilities from office space, administrative support, financial support and consultancy services that are crucial in ensuring the success and survival of new ventures.
Officials at Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority delivered a presentation underscoring the various investment opportunities available in Duqm. It should be noted that SEZAD manages, regulates, and develops all economic activities in Duqm.It plans, designs, and implements long-term strategies for infrastructural development and attracts investments to promote a wide spectrum of economic activities. It also oversees the urban expansion of the modern Duqm city while protecting the environment, thereby ensuring Duqm its rightful place as the best location to visit, live, work,and invest in the Middle East.The Special Economic Zone at Duqm is a regional hub for maritime transportation and logistics services; a safe haven for investments in export processing industries based on petrochemicals, mineral resources and fisheries; and an attractive tourism destination on the Arabian Sea; thus acting as an important lever for the economic growth of Oman and the enhancement of the quality of life of the local communities of Al Wusta Governorate. The mission of SEZAD is to improve the business environment of Duqm; develop its infrastructure services; manage its strategic assets and facilities; and build its human-resource capabilities in order to attract local inward and foreign direct investments in transportation and logistics services, high-value-added industries, and tourism in accordance with the approved master plan, best international practices, good governance and the sustainable use of natural resources.
'Reyooq with CEO' initiative consists of visits to high profile Omani companies and factories in cooperation with Riyada to meet with the CEOs and decision-makers of these companies. The incubated companies at NBC shall get acquainted with various opportunities available for entrepreneurs. NBC is an initiative launched by PEIE at the Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM) to offer promising Omani entrepreneurs a platform to develop their business ideas and advance them into growing ventures. The centre offers a premier platform for Omani entrepreneurs by providing business development support and guidance, training and mentoring, access to markets and industry experts, and state-of-the-art and fully equipped office space, meeting rooms and presentation facilities.