ITA extends registration for this eGovernment excellence award

Energy Sunday 15/July/2018 14:46 PM
By: Times News Service
ITA extends registration for this eGovernment excellence award

Muscat: Registration for the HM Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment has been extended to August 9, 2018, the Information Technology Authority (ITA) has announced.
According to ITA, the extension comes in response to a number of organisations requesting more time to prepare the registration requirements.
Last March, ITA unveiled the award categories for the sixth round, which comprises 10 categories, three of which were new. While two of the categories are meant for government entities — Best Open Data Initiative and Best Government Application for Smart Devices —the third new category —Best Private Application for Smart Devices — is for the private sector.
In the past five rounds, more than 45 projects (from 32 organisations) have competed and won. All these projects have contributed to accelerating various processes in a number of government and private entities, resulting in a greater benefit for the community.