Muscat: The 6th version of Oman Forum opened at Crowne Plaza Hotel yesterday under the auspices of Sheikh Dr. Al Khattab bin Ghalib Al Hinai, Deputy Chairman of the State Council in the presence of Sheikh Salim bin Mustahil Al Maashani, Advisor at the Diwan of Royal Court.
The forum is organised by Alam Al Iqtisad Wa Al Amal (AIWA) magazine in cooperation with the Public Authority for SMEs Development ‘Riyada’
The Forum discusses a number of themes related to enhancing Small and Medium Enterprises, developing national human resources and providing effective solutions for the challenges facing these sectors.
The first session titled ‘ Enhancing SMEs’ Competitiveness Efficiency’ discussed means of enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of the SMEs so that they can meet the requirements of bid for tenders and contracts from major companies.
The second session titled ‘Enhancing National Manpower Capabilities and Skill’ highlighted the gap between the needs of the labour markets and youths’ available potentialities.
A seminar on managing and attracting SEMs efficiency was held on the sidelines of the Forum.
A number of speakers from organisation operating SMEs and human resources development alongside with experts and specialists form the public and private sectors took part in the Forum.